Spite and Sighs

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A/N: Midoriya had learned to accept it a long time ago but...sometimes he just covets.

"What nerd, what happened to fighting back? How are you going to be a hero if you won't even fight for anything you believe in?" Katsuki sneered, as Midoriya gazed at his desk, hands clenching his trousers.

"How many times does everyone have to tell you, deaf f*cker, all you're ever going to achieve in life is being a bitter, jealous loser who can't accept what they have!" Bakugou laughed, the taunting tone echoing through the empty classroom. 

"You're right." 

Shocked and not processing, Bakugou looked at the grenette in front of him with wide eyes. 

"Huh? What did you say ner-"

"I said, you're right Kacchan!" Midoriya looked up to meet Bakugou in the eyes for the first time that day. 

"I am jealous. I'm so jealous, that I would abandon every little thing about me and my life, if I could have, or be, even a fraction of you!" Midoriya yelled, standing up. 

Katsuki didn't say anything as he waited for Izuku to continue on instinct. 

"I'm so f*cking jealous it's killing me! I try my hardest every god damn day to try and survive, and you can stroll through life like everyone is just a pawn for you to use!" Deku shouts, "I'm tired, I'm tired of all of this crap! Everyone is always on your side, and no one will ever, ever, be on my side! You have no idea what it's like to have nothing and no one." Midoriya finishes, tears starting to trail down his cheeks. 

"You don't have any idea how much I want friends. To want someone to look at me and not think 'Oh it's the quirkless kid, I need to avoid them' or 'let's beat him up'. To have someone that believes in me. Heck, to have someone that actually talks to me without adding insults in every statement! Even my mum won't believe in me, and I'm just a burden to her anyways!

So guess what Kacchan, you've always been right!

I'm a useless, pathetic, weak, stupid, waste of space who's a loser and I am jealous of people who actually have something to live for!" Midoriya shouts, shaking from all the yelling and still crying. 

"Don't you think I know I can't be a hero? Can't I at least have something to put my hope and effort into, if only to distract me from the constant reminder that nothing's going to come to anything, because I'll probably end up dead in an alleyway somewhere?"

It's almost a whisper, but it's heard clearly in the empty room,and the emotions behind it is the most clearest. 


Katsuki could say a lot of things in the situation he's currently in. 

He could tell Deku that he's actually much stronger than he ever thought. 

That facing obstacles no one else does is the making of a true hero. 

That maybe he's misjudged him. 

That he always knew Deku was more heroic but he would've never admitted it. 

And Katsuki isn't a coward, he tells himself. 

He tells himself that he can be honest but only to himself. 

Not to Deku. 

He tells himself that he can apologise. 

But he isn't worthy enough to do so to Deku yet. 

So like a coward, Bakugou doesn't say anything, doesn't do anything and leaves the classroom. 

The next day, a few weeks, a few months, a few years in the future, he will continue to think that that was one of the most foolish things he's ever done and that it was something that would forever shatter and impact on his and Deku's friendship. 

But Katsuki leaves, unable to bring himself to say anything, and Izuku cries more than he has in months, and no one is there to comfort him. 

No one has been there for a long time. 

The sun has set by the time he recomposes himself, his packet of tissues used up and his eyes red-rimmed. 

He heads home that night, to a note about his mum working a night-shift, a meal for him to microwave and he goes back to middle-school the next day, the usual nervous smile on his face. 

Because what he felt wasn't new. 

In fact, it was pretty much normal to him. 


A/N: Heya! If you're experiencing some hard times right now, I just want to say that it will get better because life isn't set in stone! You'll find true friends, true companions, and you'll find the true you. I can assure you that each and every person is beautiful and unique, whether that be your looks, your heart, your personality or your view. 

Don't give up, because life always gets worse before it gets better, and if you're at your worse right now, it's going to get better!

As always, if you want to talk, you can call Childline 0800 1111 or maybe comment here if you're comfortable! There are people who want to be there for you!

Thanks for reading and till next time!

You're Plus Ultra!

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