Watashi no aki ni kyūjōshō (Soaring to my fall)

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A/N: Hellooooo! Here is a gift for ConstellationCatt over from AO3 and their fic Yūrei no Eiyū (link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15589824/chapters/36195216). It's an amazing Ghost!Izuku fic, and I highly suggest it! This fic is set in that universe! 

AU: 5 times Izuku went up on the rooftop, set in the Yūrei no Eiyū universe



"Wahhh!" Izuku exclaimed, awed by the sight of swirling, pearly clouds, the stretch of celeste blue, the gentle whisper of the wind against sun-warm skin, and the chirping of the birds as they soar past viridant curls. 

"It's super cool, isn't it Izuku!" Katsuki exclaimed, his young, childish crimson eyes crinkling with constant excitement. 

"It is! Kacchan is so cool! You found this amazing place!" Izuku cheered, raising his arms. 

(The memory would remind him of Eri in midst of the excitement of the cultural festival in the future.)

"Mum said this is called a rooftop!" Katsuki added, a smug smile plastered on his face. 

"Wahhhh, amazing!" the grenette mutters, stars in his eyes. 

The feeling of the wind circling around him, the sun's rays sparkling off of tall, mirrored buildings. People bustling below- and oh, they're so tiny! Little birds soaring in the air, the fluffy white slowly drifting like it has its own world. 

Closing his eyes, and leaning against his Kacchan, Izuku felt he could stay on the roof-top forever, and he wouldn't mind one bit. 



It's raining. 

The wind is roaring, lightning is rumbling in the distance, droplets of icy cold scattering down. Miserable grey stretches as far as the eye can see, and Izuku lets the stream of rain wash away his tears, his pain, and his thoughts. 

He hadn't been on a rooftop for a while, Izuku absentmindedly noted. 

He hadn't ever since his diagnosis. 

The cold seeps through him, numbing him of any of the fear he had felt earlier. His throat is sore from all the effortless yelling he had done after those kids had locked him up on the rooftop. A little puff of breath could be seen in front of him, as Midoriya barely flinches as another roar of thunder lit the sky. 

He'd lost count of how long it had been since he had been up on the roof, but Izuku bitterly admitted that his absence wouldn't have been noticed for at least until his mother came back from her shift. 

Usually his heart would be stiff and heavy from the onslaught of emotions he felt. 

The clench of his fists at the sneers, the tears of overwhelming sadness, the spark of hope in his eyes, the twinge of jealousy in his mind. 

The biting cold washed all his feelings away, and he stared mindlessly into the distance, his clothes soaked through and sticking to his skin. 

It's almost relieving- to be free from his constant torrent of emotions and thoughts. 

An almost comforting darkness slowly seeps into his vision, as something alike a siren rings dully in his mind, and the flash of red and blue spark once, before he falls unconscious.  



Swinging his legs, as his upper half of the body was behind the railings felt almost free, Izuku thought. 

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