Endless (the sky knows no end)

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AU: Ehhhhhh, kind of Mido's view on him and Bakugou's history with a twist.

A/N: Warning: Distress, Mourning (about their old friendship) and a little graphic hypothetic violence. Please don't read if uncomfortable!

I might update another chap on this book tomorrow, but not too sure! Onwards!

We're like the sky.

Always changing shades, but always remaining.

My world started with a rise of the sun, its rays gentle, glowing and warm, its embrace like a blanket upon feather-touched skin.

I think out of everyone, you were my sun, Kacchan.

I don't think I was yours. But did you realise how your rays shone against me? How your crimson eyes, like a red sea, with storms of anger and waves of pride was like my Northen Star, guiding me to be someone?

Was I even a speck of dust in that bright, beautiful, galaxy of yours? Please... please tell me I was...

Some say a relationship is like a rubber band.

When one lets go, the other gets hurt.

The further and longer you pull away, the more force and the longer it will take for the rubber band to hit.

If you had cut the band instead of pulling it, I think it would've hurt less. But, I don't know if I'd had made it this far without the time spent clinging on to the band.

Did you know, Kacchan? Even if it might've hurt, even if it still hurts. I'd take as much pain as you have to give, if I can stay by you for a little longer.

Do I sound delusional? I think I do.

But nothing, nothing, hurts as much as you gone.

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Two sides of one balloon.

We shared that balloon, do you remember?

You ripped away, and it left me collapsing, all the oxygen leaving my balloon, and my life deflating. Did yours rip too? Did you feel such pain from being teared apart?

I don't want you to have felt that.

You tore me open once.

You plastered bandages and stitches on me, long, long after.

Why have you done it again?

I want to cry.

In fact, I usually cry so much, it makes no sense for me to not cry in a place, and in a time I should be crying.

But I can't.

I've poured my soul, my heart out, and all my tears have trickled down and down, all absorbed by the plants, and helping them grow.

Does my sadness help the world thrive?

Does it?

Do they relish in my sadness, my tears? Are they hungry for my sorrow?

The plants grow, and grow, and, Kacchan, really, won't they end up tangling my feet, and tripping me up? Encasing my legs until I'm frozen to the spot, just waiting to be consumed by the very plants I fed with emotions?

Won't they tower over me one day, when I'm on my knees?

Why won't anyone answer my questions?

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