Rooftop Training

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In this AU, Bakugou has apologised and they're good allies but not quite friends yet. Not BKDK

"I AM HEREEEEEEEE- cough cough" All Might yells

"All Might!" Class 1-A say in unison, most concerned whilst the others excited- or both. 

"All Might! What are you doing here?" Our beloved cinammon roll asks, his eyes lighting up at his idol, whether as All Might or Toshinori Yagi. 

"Well! Today I will be in charge of your training session!" 

A series of cheers and excitement erupted in the room, exhilerated and determined chatter instantly filling the shock from before. 

"Now! Now! Let's calm down! Today, we'll be doing some movements on the rooftops!"

At this, Midoriya had a little knot of hesitation grow in his stomach. The rooftops? He hadn't been on one since he had talked to All Might when he... had a thought. But, that was not going to be a problem! He had jumped up super high before! Like when he was fighting Overhaul or when he jumped up to the Helicopter on I-Island. Jumping on rooftops were going to be no problem! 


Or so he thought... 

However, when they had gotten dressed and ready to go to Ground Beta (where Deku and Bakugou had their fight that lead to house arrest) and as he stood on that rooftop, he tried to remind himself of the long way he had come. He wasn't the same person he was back then. 

He had a quirk now. Only because of All Might. But he had worked hard in order for All Might to believe he was worthy. Maybe he regrets it. No. Stop. Why was he thinking these things. He wasn't like this, he had to focus on the lesson. What was with him today? How lucky is he to be at UA? To have such good friends? To have such a supporting mother and teachers? What right did he have to think these things. Are you really worthy of these things though? In the end, you're still the old worthless Deku you were back in middle school. No, Deku means you can do it. 

Thankfully, that last phrase helped wash out his own doubts. How did going on the rooftop trigger so many things? 


Now you see here, Izuku may not realise it, but this is the consequence of years of bullying, and hatred. The outcome of a judgemental society. Such immense bullying can lead to serious degrees of self-neglect, loss of self-esteem, lack of confidence and, in Izuku's case, a lead to recklessness to make sure someone gets the happiness he, himself, never received enough of. Compared to another person's traumatic experience, Izuku would say that his past was not bad at all, in fact it was amazing. He had a good mother, he had food, he had toys and he had warmth. He shouldn't be upset at all, what could he be so sad about? 

However, this is the hard bit to answer. There is no direct answer to this question simply because one's suffering cannot be compared on a scale to anyone else's suffering. Izuku has had a bad life, and he needs to accept that; he needs to accept he is upset and let those around him help him to live on without the sadness. Of course, it can never truly leave, however it can decrease massively. Yes, he had a home, food, support and warmth, but did he truly have the amount of happiness someone else would take for granted? I, myself, used to take my happiness for granted, however I have come to terms that it truly isn't. I have many people to thank for this happiness and much sacrifice, and Izuku over here did not get enough happiness he deserved at his tender age. This verbal bullying that, more than frequently, also turned physical was a form of abuse which could've lead to a worse outcome, and definitely left an everlasting effect on the poor boy. 

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