Time is limitless (when you gave me more than I ever knew)

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A/N: This is a chapter I've been meaning to write for a while, and completely inspired by this one manga panel I saw when Kota finally saw Izu again

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A/N: This is a chapter I've been meaning to write for a while, and completely inspired by this one manga panel I saw when Kota finally saw Izu again. I guess this has some spoiler, but I'm sure everybody in the fandom knows by now lol-

Anyways, enjoyyy!


"Auntie, Auntie, when can we go to UA again?" Kota urged, flapping about Mandalay, much to the hero's amusement.

"Well, Kota, UA has some huge security and we can't go for no reason, but I'm sure you'll be able to see the little Midoriya kitty soon!" Mandalay exclaimed, enjoying the sight of her nephew flushing in embarrassment.

"W-wha, it's not to visit Deku! Hmph, there's no way I would be excited about him!" Kota defended, though both parties knew the truth.


Dear Deku,

Just know that I'm not writing this letter because I want to! Of course not! I just- uh anyways. Will you be able to come here again soon? Or can me and Auntie come to UA? Not because I want to visit you of course! I'm just bored here...and maybe a bit lonely, but I'm not weak, and I'm perfectly fine by myself! But you know- yeah.

Um, anyways, bye.


"Do you really think we can go to UA?" Kota asked, slightly miserable at the news of a..Para- something, Lib- something, Front? It seemed dangerous...but...it had been ages since he'd seen his hero...

"Well...I'm sure that when things go back to normal again, we'll definitely be able to go!" his aunt encouraged, to which Kota tried to plaster on a small smile.

The lines of stress and eye-bags underneath Kota's aunt and her team was evident of the worsening of the situation.

Why did his aunt always lie to him?

It was just like when Ma and Pa died, and she insisted that everything would be ok, and that they died in honour.


I hurt you when I first met you...I felt as if hope no longer existed.

That people...people only wanted fame in the name of justice.

They were all selfish, selfish, selfish.

How could they bare to leave everything behind- everyone that loved them- to save someone they barely knew?!

And then...you gave me hope.

That not all of humanity works for their own personal desires.

Your blood trickled down your skin like rain, the evident pain etched onto your face.

Why...why would you save someone that has done nothing to deserve that?

Why would you risk your own life to save someone, when no one was even watching?

You'd leave everyone you love....for me....why?

Because everyone deserves saving, and I would not let you to die when I have the power to save you.


"So Kota, which one should we get?"Sosaki asked Kota, pointing to all the shoes on their shelves.

"That one! I really want that one! I want a red one!"

Rain poured down on the murky, miserable sky, cries of all sorts increasing in volume as the grenette, so many had come to love, fell to the floor tears flowing from his eyes.

It wasn't the tears that he remembered.

It wasn't one of physical pain.

It was one of relief, of shame, of hope, of distress.

Stumbling towards him, Kota let out his own course cry.

His hero's heart had been pointed to the wrong direction.

That heart that had saved his light.

Crying and hugging the embrace that was still so gentle, despite the grenette being exhausted and malnourished, Kota realised that this is who he wanted to be.

Not someone that was selfish- no, quite the opposite.

One who wanted nothing but to be the hope and joy, to bring comfort to someone, even if it was to be just one person.

One that didn't treat people as statistics for their own money and fame.

To be a true hero.

To be someone's light.


A/N: Short chapter, but hopefully you guys enjoyed! Have a Plus Ultra day/night!

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