My birthday?

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AU: A birthday fic (for our boi Izuku) set in the Omoikane-san universe!!!

-> This is when you know there's angst lolll-

Warnings: mentions of suicide-baiting, a litttleeeee bit of graphic violence (like super little)

It had become a routine. 

Izuku's birthday wasn't anything special; in fact, shouldn't he be grateful to his mother for going through the effort of giving birth to him? 

Every year since he had been announced quirkless, he'd wake up on the 15th July, have breakfast, his mother would give him a small gift, (most often than not All Might merch) and his day would go by as usual, albeit a few more spider lillies, and his day would finish off with a warm bowl of Katsudon. 

Izuku wasn't ungrateful, not at all! He appreciated the meaning and emotion behind his mother's actions and gifts, the unique way she made Katsudon felt like home. 

But Izuku couldn't help but feel lonely as the years went by.

What was it like to have a birthday party? 

What was it like to get a few 'Happy Birthday's thrown his way in school? 

Without red spider lillies, red like blood, the blood that his classmates wanted splattered across the paveme-

What was it like to have one day where he felt like special, and people purposely paid pleasant attention to him?

Izuku wouldn't be able to tell you, it was too blurry and cloudy to remember. 

And then he met Omoikane-san. 

An elderly man with silver strands of hair, golden eyes, wisdom and a tender heart that reached out to the young male like none other. 

Another quirkless person. 

Someone that understood. 

Someone that didn't judge. 

Someone that gave him happiness like none before. 

His twelfth birthday, the year he met Itsuki, was still clear as day. 

It was the first time he'd gotten a noose on his desk, and it was...infuriating how direct his classmates had been, joking about dying

It was a Friday afternoon, when he usually visited Omoikane-san, and the sun was gently warm, softly skidding through his freckled skin. 

Izuku hadn't expected Omoikane-san to surprise him with a bracelet with petals of viridant roses and emeralds, almost as bright as his eyes. 

Izuku hadn't expected Omoikane-san to bake him a warm delicious chocolate cake. 

Hadn't expected Omoikane-san to even know his birthday. 

Itsuki had made Izuku's birthday special after so many years...

What a shame he couldn't anymore. 


They'd only known each other for a few months, and even though they had gone through life-dangering situations together, Izuku hadn't expected his classmates to remember his birthday- even with Kacchan. 

So when he received a charm with a gem the most familiar shade of amber, he burst out in tears. 

Not only because of his classmate's consideration. 

Not only because of this unfamiliar but welcoming warmth. 

Not only because of the reminder that he was actually wanted here. 

But because...

because Omoikane-san was still a part of his life. 

And maybe that was more than just imaginary. 

A/N: Thanks for reading and happy birthday Izukuuuuu!!!

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