Birthdays? Mine isn't important...

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back from my break and welcome back to my latest chapter! Of course, I know that Izuku's birthday is on the 15th July, but I just had this idea and I just had to write it! So I hope you enjoy!


Angst, Sad thoughts, Suffering, Depression

If you are struggling, please reach out, I have no idea how hard it might be for you, but it can get better, I promise. You can talk to Childline, 0800 1111, or even comment on here, hopefully you can find someone who might understand in a way. You are beautiful.


A tender age of 4. Innocence beams through each smile. Eyes that shine adoration. Hugs that are simple gestures; habits. All Might-themed streamers, an array of friendly smiles and handfuls of presents. Izuku Midoriya is happy, he has friends, he's loved, he's going to work hard to become a hero!

A visit to the hospital, a single joint. A single joint.


At the age of 5, confusion underlies happiness. What could be so different? Sure, he won't have a quirk but... he was still Izuku!


His friends like him for him, he hasn't changed! The brief 'happy birthdays' that float his way prove that, right?

No one but the Bakugou's go to his birthday party that year.

But that's alright, that's ok! It's better to have a few closest friends then tons of friends who are simply on good terms! He doesn't understand what that flash of emotion is within his mother's watery orbs. He doesn't know why his parent's room doesn't have his dad's clothes anymore; his dad was doing alright before, why does he suddenly need to work overseas?

His 'little man' was more important than his work right?

Well, he would still call his dad, and he would make sure that his mum is happy whilst his dad is away!

That year was the last birthday party Izuku had for a long, long time. But it was ok, it was just a birthday! He purposely ignores the bruises that start covering his limbs, and the pain that swells in his heart more often than not.

After all, there was no reason for everyone to leave. It was a joint- just a joint! They were all quirkless at one point, it's just he would be for a little longer!



At age 8, was when his dad stopped sending a birthday card. That's ok. He wasn't close to his dad anyways. He still had his mum's katsudon every year, still got a present shoved into his hands by Kacchan every year,

he tries not to focus the extra punches and sneers he gets every year on his birthday.

His mum being there was a present more important to him then anything else!

He had asked his mum why, "Why did dad not send me a card this year, Mum?"

'Why's Mum looking at me like that?', he had thought. 'Why does Mum look so sad?'

"I'm sure it's just delayed, sweetie, it will come soon, baby." she had said, whilst giving him a smile. But that wasn't the usual encouraging smile he was used to. Why did that smile hold so much guilt?

What he would not tell his mum is that that night he took the shopping list his mum had written, went up to his room to all the cards and checked his theory. The handwriting on the list and the cards matched. Izuku wasn't stupid, he knew that his mum had only wanted to cheer him up. Despite that, he didn't want to believe it. His dad still loved him right? He made sure to check the post everyday anyways, just in case.

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