Izuku, come down (don't let me fall)

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Title is inspired by shrimpy_hina and their gorgeous fic 'Izuku, Come Down'

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28817868 

I highly suggest reading it, it is amazing! Anyways, two chapters in one day, woooo! This one is super short, but I couldn't get it out my head so guess I'm writing it!

AU: Izuku's up on the roof. Inko's desperate and hurting. Ft Dadzawa


"Izuku, come down...what are you doing up there?" Inko says softly, moonlight flashing across her pale skin, and making her viridant eyes slightly glow. Her pupils are dilated, and her foot-steps are slow- they're hesitant

Two bowls of Katsudon lay on a worn table, long cold and both untouched. 

The night is silent, save for Inko and the ticking of the clock. 

Creaking, the door to the roof opens and Inko walks up the roof shakily. 

"Izuku, my love, I cooked Katsudon for you.." she almost-whispers into the wind. 

"Please come down sweet-heart." is muttered at inky darkness, as tears start to well in her eyes. 

"Where are you, Izuku...where have you gone, love?" Inko says, voice soft and neutral, disbelief  strongly shining through. Emerald eyes scan the roof, but her son isn't on the roof. There is no  Izuku. There is no Midoriya. 

There hasn't been for a while. 

"Izuku, oh Izuku, please! Surely, you haven't left me, right? My sweet, little Izuku, always with a big, kind heart and never-ending smiles!" Inko laughed to herself slightly, a fond smile plastered on her face- it's against snow-pale face and it only makes Inko look more crazed and lost than she ever has. 

Walking towards the edge with shaky legs, Inko peered down over the roof to see dimmed roads-

Splatter of blood, bittersweet smile, warmth fading from her son, her son, her son-

Izuku, Izuku, 

On this cold, bitter night where is your warmth? 

Sweetheart, I love you,

Why was your heart of roses filled with thorns? 

Izuku, Izuku, 

Your mother has no purpose,

In this life without you, 

How I wish I had spoke up, been like you, so nerveless.

Opening her eyes, still cloudy and unaware, Inko only focused on the refreshing wind hurtling pass her, drowning away her voices. Voices of guilt, of loss, of love, of regret. 

Voices, and memories, and emotions, and smiles of Izuku. 

The sight of the ground beneath her was getting closer, and closer and closer and-

A strong, but almost comforting rope-like texture wrapped around her waist. 

It reminded of an embrace... Izuku- 

Oh Izuku, Izuku, he was coming down for dinner wasn't he? He said he was coming down, and he did come down, but he came down with a smile on his face, wind ruffling his hair, note in his shoes-





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