Affliction of a desk

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5 times Izuku cried from something on his desk and one time it was in joy. 

Warning: suicide-baiting, bullying, mentions of suicide, depressive thoughts and language, swearing and other similar triggers. 

You are amazing and no-one should change that! You are strong because you are still here! And I am certain that you underestimate your worth- everyone deserves to be happy! If you are struggling, please try and talk to someone, even if it's to a stranger online, or reach out to professional help (i.e Childline: 0800 1111). You are not alone!

This mentions Omoikane-san but it is genuinely not necessary for you to remember him! 



The first time it happened was in his first year of Junior High. Word that he was quirkless had spread out quickly, and eventually he was where he had ended in elementary- alone, belittled and ignored. Poorly attempting to ignore the whispers and looks of disgust thrown at him in the hallways, Izuku clutched onto the straps of his yellow backpack tighter as he opened the wooden, sliding door to his classroom. As he enters the classroom, all noises cease and every boring gaze tracks his movements. Gulping, he walks towards his desk as sniggers and stifled laughter trace after him. That's... strange. They are rather quiet and his classmate don't usually laugh at him for... well, walking into a classroom. 

As Midoriya's gaze looks towards his desk, his breath catches in his throat and he releases his iron grip on his backpack. 

Sitting on his desk, so pristine and beautiful, was a single spider-lily, its crimson petals silky and glistening in the bright sunlight, and contrasting sharply against the cerulean sky, the proportion of the flower so beautiful and innocent, it could almost be mistaken as a symbol of love. 

Love for his dead body, that is. 

Feeling tears well in his eyes, he trudges the remaining steps to his desk and picks up the spider lily, his classmates bursting into cheers of laughter. 

Tripping him up as he walked around the school wasn't anything new. Nor was taking his belongings and finding them misplaced or ruined. Finding a stray frog in his shoe compartment was slightly more rare, but still happened nevertheless. He'd had gum stuck in his hair, juice spilt across his homework and notebooks, pencils snapped and clothes cut smoothly with a pair of scissors. He'd even been beaten up when he was 4. 

But to be told to kill himself? 

He sat down (collapsed) on the chair which could not ground him from his own mind, and picked up the flower, a stray petal falling on his desk in the process. 

Tracing the petals with a finger, Izuku took notice of every little line naturally created from the plant, the direction it flowed in, the cursive texture of the petals and the way the colours differed slightly. 

Such a beautiful flower that could so easily represent his death. 

Would his death really be so b̴̲̠̗̃̑̐̿̀͠e̴͙̘̥̽͊̓̎̽̅̀̍̕a̴͍̞̍̄̈̅̀̈ũ̴̬̟t̸̯͍̘̫̱̪̏̈̂͝ͅi̸̫͚̳̬̭̦̟̻̅f̴̜͗̈́ų̷̧̟͖̌̓̕l̵̯̣̤̣̫̔̽́̈́͆̒̕? 

As the bell for the start of lesson rang, Midoriya gently placed the flower into his bag and swiped at the remaining tears, putting on a smile and inhaling a deep breath. 

'You are strong, Izuku. 

You can do this.' 

The boy thought to himself, clearly not believing his own thought.

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