What you're worth

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Happy Late BD To Our Favorite Froppy- Tsu! (12th February) 

We can all say we love Froppy, 

Who's beautiful like a Poppy! 

AU: After an incident involving Izuku being physically bullied, him and Inko have a chat.

Almost feverishly, Izuku found himself creaking the door open, uniform stiff and eyes watery.

"H-hi Mum, I'm home!" the boy says, plastering a strained smile on his face.

Usually, his Mum would flash the boy a worried and guilty smile, as he saw the way his Izuku seemed to be so drained and weary. She would flutter around, shooting questions of concern to which her self-less son would create a pathetic scenario.

Not today.


Feeling unease creep around him and squeeze his lungs, he felt himself speeding up the process of placing his pair of shoes neatly and hanging his yellow, and fairly battered, school bag.

"M-mum, d-did you w-want to t-talk to me..?" Izuku says, eyes flittering around the worn but homely surroundings of their home- today an icy-chill seemed to resound there.

"Izuku, do you have something you'd like to tell me?"


She'd tell herself, that if Izuku would just be honest with her about this for once, then she could perhaps listen to whatever reasoning her son had behind this. Just this once. If for one time he could reside in her, let her help with his problems. To not lie about his happiness, his friends- she didn't know much about her son anymore and that broke her heart so painfully.

But Izuku....


"I- I don't have anything to tell you Mum. I-if that's a-all then m-may I be excused?" the grenette mutters, starting to retreat to his room.

"Izuku Midoriya!" Inko says, voice raising as tears gathered up in her eyes. "Why, why do you insist on lying about this?!"

Flinching at his mum's outburst, Izuku found himself frozen to the spot, facing away from his mother.

"I got a call from the police. I know you tried to lie about your classmates not hurting you. I know that the Detective with the lie-detecting quirk figured out that what you said was a lie, and that those kids did hurt you. I know you don't want to press charges! And yet- you still insist of keeping it to yourself! How many things have you lied to me about? Why can you not trust me, what changed Izuku?! I'm your mother!" Inko wailed, face cupping her hands.

"I- Mum-" Izuku started, collapsing to his knees as he ran over to hug his mother.

"Tell me the truth Izuku." His mother says, a stern but desperate gaze interlocked with matching viridant ones.

"I'm sorry Mum, but- I- I don't want to be a bigger burden than I already am! Y-you already do so much raising me a-and I'm so selfish for attracting all this trouble that you have to deal with. W-why am I such a useless son!" Izuku whimpers, tears flowing mercilessly down his face and Inko can't bear for her to not clutch her son closer because when had her happy, bright son become so self-deprecating and hurt. When was the last time Inko truly looked at her son and saw the way society had treated him? What did his care-free smile turn so painted with pain?

How many times had Izuku re-assured her, and how many times had she done the same?

Wasn't she the adult?

In the midst of all of it: the bills, the stress, the way that things seemed to be so bleak and falling apart, when had she neglected Izuku to this degree? When had- when had the lack of quirk made someone weaker? Izuku wasn't weaker than herself, or say- someone with the ability to change their eye colour.

Everyone was essentially quirkless at some point of their life and yet-

And yet she treated her own son like glass.

She was so caught up in thinking that that was the best for him and that that's how Izuku could be safe- safe and happy that-

that she had forgotten to think about what Izuku thought...

Her son, the bright little boy who was always running around.

Her son, with a heart of gold-

A heart that was flaking off-

What has she been doing?

"Izuku, dear, it's my job as your mother to care for you and- and I'm so, so sorry that- I haven't been helping you, I- I haven't been making you happy" The woman breaks down in another round of tears.

"Mum, I know you've done your best and t-thank you."

"Oh baby, I really haven't.." Inko says, withering off and there's no place left for arguement.

"B-but Mum, p-please I- I just can't report them.."

"But Izuku why-"

"I'm quirkless Mum. It doesn't matter how much evidence, the court will never put a fair punishment and they'd probably let them off innocent too, a-and it's just like that. I'd just ruin their records and I don't want me to be the reason they can't go on to be a hero so-" Izuku's voice breaks "Please don't Mum..."

And Inko Midoriya has never hated the world more than she has now. Not when Hisashi left, not when her parents refused to acknowledge her as a daughter, not at when the supermarket cashier had tried to charge her extra because she 'had to look at the quirkless freak and that had cost her at least a piece of her sanity'.

She hated the world at how the world had made her sweet boy treat himself like an unnecessity, like a burden.

Inko Midoriya felt so, pathetically hopeless as she stared into her son's fearful, desperate, and tired eyes, as she reluctantly agreed.

She hated how happy her son was in not getting the justice he deserved.

How the world made sure that people like Izuku would never be treated equally.

and how painstakingly heroic it was for her son to let these people have a second chance- one that they didn't know they had been given.

Yet, she could see it in Izuku's eyes- the tired acceptance behind it. He didn't think anyone would accept him being a hero when it was everything he was.

In her mind, a little voice that sounded so sneering, and taunting whispered

Weren't you a part in making him feel like that?


A/N: Thanks for reading and thank you to those who have been showing so much support! <3

Anyways, I just wanted to write this little bit of how Inko feels about Izuku's bullying and how hopeless she feels- a change of perspective! Next chapter will probably be focused on Dadzawa but we all love a little Mamadoriya! (who am I kidding, I fricking love mamadoriya- just not as much as dadzawa, I literally live for dadzawa).

Everyone deserves to be loved and treated equally! Remember that lovelies!

'Till next time!

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