At your lowest, I wasn't there (I promise I'm sorry)

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A/N: Hello everyone, welcome back to another chapter; I did say I was gonna upload on Teiko, but I needed a break from hw to write this chapter. You could say that there are some emotions from Author in this chapter, but don't worry about it too much, I promise it's nothing serious! Enjoy!

AU: Inko apologises, but the damage is already done. 

"Izuku, Izuku,my love!" Inko wails as she collapses to the floor, embracing Izuku's scarred and injured body. "Izuku, t-they've hurt you so, so, so much and-and-"

She hadn't been there for him, she...what kind of mother? What kind of friend? 

"Mum, mum.." Izuku urged with tears trailing down his own face, "I.. I don't know w-what I should say to you anymore..."

Clutching her son all the more tighter, because god, this-this was her fault. 

Her mistakes, no matter how unintentional, led to this damaged, broken bond between her and her son.

She listened, and got the wrong image. 

She tried to help, and only hurt her precious in doing so. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Is this a punishment for every good thing she's ever received? 

Being born into a peaceful and loving household,

Getting the highest grades,

Being healthy,

Having good friends,

Being gifted someone precious.

She's never once had to struggle with anything major in her life, and she relished in it- did she not show her gratitude sincerely enough? 

Is this why fate has decided to leave her pained and exhausted at how horribly she's messed up someone she cares about? 

Inko's thoughts only spurred on more tears, the shadows of the night making the two look more weary and tired they've ever looked. 

Inko's not her son, and Izuku isn't her; they don't share a mind, and it's impossible for them to know what eachother's thinking unless they say so. 

Inko's never known what Izuku truly wants, and so she's never once been able to fulfill it. 

To see that sun-lit smile on her dear's face, she doesn't think twice to buy him the latest hero merch when she has some spare money. 

To see those grateful eyes gleaming with tears, she doesn't mind a bit when she makes him a bowl of warm Katsudon. 

Money, time and effort doesn't matter to her if she can see someone she loves be happy. 

"W-when you're at your lowest..." Inko stammers out, tears still running down her face, "At your lowest, I'm never there. I'm never the one to comfort you. I'm never the one to help you through your problems, and I'm never the one to know how to act in situations."

"I...I know you're not perfect, Mum." Izuku starts, taking in a deep breath, "I know that-but I just want someone to be there for me, to give a shoulder to me when I need to understand me. Is that really too much to ask for? I'm sorry, ok, whatever god I offended, whatever I did in my past life, I'm so, so, so sorry. Please, please just...stop!"

Putting a hand to her mouth, Inko let out a shuddering breath, "Izuku, baby, you will never, ever, deserve to be hurt. To be lonely. Every time I say I can change, I try, but deep inside I know it's never enough to actually matter. I'm sorry...I promise I am Izuku. I just don't know what to do!"

Slowly getting up whilst Inko, still on her knees, stares at the ground, Izuku swipes at his eyes. 

"I know you're sorry, Mum. You've been saying sorry all this time...I want something that can heal this pain, to stop the hurting inside me." Izuku said quietly, but it was loud as day in the dimmed room. 

"Sorry doesn't stop the hurt."

Izuku slowly walked towards his room, and Inko carried on sobbing. 

"I know, I know, I know! I-I know I'm not the victim, and I know sorry will never stop you from hurting, but please understand Izuku, I do appreciate all the chances you've given me. I do love you. Please, please remember that. There is no one I love more than you, and there is no one more important.." Izuku stops slightly, but doesn't turn around to face his mother.

"I don't know how to feel about this anymore...goodnight, mum." 

'I don't know if I love you anymore...goodbye mum.' Inko heard, and as the night grew darker, Inko sits on the sofa with boxes of tissues and thinks. 

She knows she's not the victim. 

But it still hurts. 

She knows that every time they have a conflict, she makes reasons to try and explain her decisions. 

It stopped being explaining a long time ago. It turned into desperation. Almost justifying.

'Does it matter if you never meant to hurt him?

In the end, you hurt him. That's the truth. What can you do about it? Why do you always worry about it so much, when you have the duty to fix it. Stop worrying, and get to work to fix it.' 

But how? How can I fix it? How can I stop worrying? How can I love him the right way? 

Can anyone help me...?

She thinks to herself, before drifting off to a dreamless sleep. 


A/N: And that's it, at 854 words! Quite short, I will admit, so sorry about that! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm curious to know if there should be victim and perpetrator labels in this sort of situation? Please do not worry about me, it's gonna be alright! Have a Plus Ultra day/night and hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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