Challenge the Impossible (With You, Our Sun)

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A/N: We do love a stable author who has a consistent (ish) update schedule. WELCOME BACK! NEW CHAPTER IS HEREEE

AU: UA is where they started. UA is where they'll continue. The OG trio: Izuku, Ochaco and Tenya. 

Flying- it had felt surreal. With the wind scrambling at his face, and his legs aching and screeching far quicker than they had ever gone before, Tenya felt a moment where time itself seemed to still and he was face to face with the vast, wide dark sky. His limbs had felt light as clouds, his essence simply vapour, his silhouette nought against the brightness of the stars. How could he possibly admire such a sight when the sun was slowly and surely creeping away?

 "Midoriya!" Tenya yelled, swinging his battered body to face the grenette. He was like a ragdoll, torn and bruised and yet still forced to put up a facade; his strings were falling apart but he continued to perform, a tool in a broken society. "Come back to UA, come back to us!" 

The wind howled as bullets of rain droplets pelted down into the sky,that night, chanting tales of guilt and desperation, fear and hope.  The brightness of the moon and the sear flames of Iida's engines illuminated the shadows, and a dim light sparked in dark viridiant eyes. 


There had been another night just like this, when the dark had been looming and all encasing, engulfing everything with sinful shadows. Tenya's head had been just as dark that night too, anger and vengeance seething in his mind, foaming out his teeth. 

His blood had been just as black. 

He remembers- oh, how could he forget? His apologies to his family and friends in his mind, when he had given up all hope. His wounds had been like a papercut compared to the excruciating pain- pain like millions of needles laced with poison, pain like an aching sort of companion strangling his chest- of his heart. Failure had never tasted so bitter. 

When he felt all had been lost, that he had truly disappointed everyone that had ever been in his life, and most of all himself, one light shone through on him, allowed a little space for him to breath, allowed him another glimpse into the future: 

"Meddling when you don't have to, is the essence of being a hero!" Tenya yelled, and Midoriya's same words echoed in his mind, "Isn't that right, Izuku-kun?"

Tears streamed down his cheeks, as they floated in the air for what seemed to be eternities compressed into seconds. Pairs of eyes looked up at them, the same desperation and hope etched onto their faces. 


"Tenya-san." Izuku whispered, and Iida didn't realise he had been holding his breath. He saw it; the resolve in Midoriya's eyes slightly cracking, his tears lighting his face like a flame in the depth of the ocean. "I'm sorry, but I can't." he gasped out, and they started to plummet down, the wind ringing in his ears as the brick and glass of buildings slowly closed in on them. 

On instinct, Tenya grabbed onto Izuku. 

"Please, Midoriya! Let us help you as you have helped us!" Tenya cried, clutching onto the grenette's battered hero costume. 

A costume? What a joke; it was a fatal chain, wrapping and encasing in him, trapping Izuku in the depths of darkness with a false label of heroism. 

The boy that stood there in front of him: it was none other than Midoriya Izuku. Lime sparks flooded him, lighting up the alleway in fragments of aurora lights, and he shone and glowed like a supernova, the warmth of compassion rushing off of him like tsunami waves, and Tenya decided that day. He was going to stay by this boy, as one of his best friends. He was going to stay there and make sure that this sun would not explode, that Izuku would be able to enjoy light and the darkness too, that Izuku would not force himself to always be bright. 

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