My breath is my crime to you

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A/N: Heya my lovely people, I'm finally back from my break!!! Gosh, this week has been stressful, but it's finally half-term for me!

I'm sorry you all had to wait for so long, but I hope you guys enjoy this (slightly venting) chapter!



"Do you know? I regret ever meeting you."

"So do I.."


"God, do you care more about your studies, or us?" 

There's no tears, but the pain is clear.

", it's not like that! I care about you all...I do..! So much!"

"Then why would you do your f*cking student committee stuff, while we're left by ourselves."

"I'm's not like that. I wanted to talk to you...but-"

"MoMo aLwaYs giVing ThE excUses" they sneered, crossing their hands together. "Just shut the f*ck up."


"Ha! Teacher's as you're going to have no friends in the future."

Aren't you mine? 

"You're so going to regret it when you're all lonely 'cuz you didn't give time for your friends."



Don't get angry Momo...anger kills.

"You should appreciate you even have friends."

"All I want is for you to be there by my side..."

"'Sorry, sorry, sorry.' What's that going to do?!"

"I really wanted this friendship, I really didn't want to let it go. But I grew up, and I did; I think it's about time you did too."

The icy cold air stops filtering through her lungs. 

She hated getting angry. 

The tears came, washed over her, blinding her in an enveloping- but strangling- cloak of pain. 

But f*ck it. 

F*ck it all. 

In reality, it didn't matter if she was the student council, if she was the leader of every other project...none of it mattered because at the end of the day, she was another student. 

And yet, could her effort and work really be disregarded like this? 

Countless hours brain-storming ideas for her make their days just a little bit better. 


Time, time, time, time. 

There is only so much in one life-time. 

Where is their right?

Where is their right, to tell her she never puts effort for their friendship, when it feels like she is the only one who ever does a damn thing to show it? 

She understands...she understands they're hurt. She understands they appreciate in their own ways. 

She understands, and yet it still hurts. 

It hurts that they normalise her efforts for others. 

It hurts when they take her success as a negative impact to their own lives.

{~Deku one-shots with angst~}Where stories live. Discover now