There's snow time!

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"Kacchan we have to try and save them! How can we not?" Midoriya cries, tears in his eyes, desperate to get out of Bakugou's iron grip

"You could die Deku! I can't let you go! You can't save everyone!" Bakugou fights back, anxiety spread across his face. He couldn't let Deku go, not in this scenario

A month ago

The class of 1-A had been split into pairs, each being sent to different climate destinations to try and accomplish different missions. Each pair had a teacher who would be looking at for them with a speaker, and a tracker, and their missions were to simply build a shelter big enough for 4 regular-sized families, with the materials they had as well as them being habitable, steady and warm. However, in Midoriya and Bakugou's climate scenario, something went wrong. Their speaker connected to Aizawa had cut off, without guide and they had encountered a group of tourists getting covered by a tumble of snow, not as big as an avalanche, but still big enough to take away perhaps 3-4 cars. Many were running for their lives while the rest had... been devoured by the snow.
Back to present time

"But Kacchan, they're right there! We can save them!" Deku reasons, trying to get his point across. But bakugou would not take any of it

"Deku we can't live without you! You can't die! You hear me?! There's no way I'm letting you go!" Kacchan shouts, how could Deku not value his life to this degree?

"I'm sorry Kacchan, but you can't stop me" Midoriya says, using One For All tl break out of Katsuki's grasp, knocking Bakugou over. It happened in less than a second and Bakugou couldn't react fast enough.
"DEKU!" He shouts, quickly jumping up and blasting himself to try and chase him but it was no use. Midoriya was too fast and had already rushed in, punching the snow at speed and efficiency, picking up running people and placing them on safe ground.
'What the f*ck is Deku doing? No matter how fast he is, he can't stay like that for long! There's too many people, he's either going to get covered in snow or he's going to get hyperthermia!' Bakugou internally freaks out.

On the other hand, Deku has saved a good 20 people at this point. Still, he kept on going jumping and running to catch the remaining running tourists, and jumping back down to put them on safe ground, hoping Kacchan would not care about him, and go get the survivors warm. Bakugou understood, by one single glance and hurried away to set (more explode) a huge fire which was fighting to survive, and instantly melted and heated up ice, boiling away the bacteria. However, Bakugou knew he had to hurry up to help Deku.

Midoriya had helped most, if not all, the people who were running now, directing his attention to those who had tried to hide in caves. It wouldn't be fast enough for him to carry them out, before they were enveloped with snow so he did the only thing he could think of. He went inside the cave, shuffled the people the most in they could within the cave and proceeded to save them. He punched a hole on the other end of the cave, knowing it wasn't a smart idea since he cave could come collapsing down but he was willing to risk it to save these tourists.

At the same time, Aizawa had hurried his way to the scene. Bakugou had just about finished warming up the ice and the fire, turning around to rush to Deku's side before he noticed Aizawa

"Bakugou notify me of the situat-"

"Deku the fu*king idiot! He used his quirk to fu*king save these guys and went inside the cave to save the others! The cave isn't stable and I know he's going to punch a hole in the other end to rush them out but hen he won't have time to escape! Go f*cking help!" Bakugou yells, already running towards the cave

This was bad. Especially with problem child. This was going to be worse!

Midoriya punched the wall and rushed the people out, already noticing the rocks and snow falling down. Before he could even make a move, snow collapsed over him, just as Aizawa and Bakugou ran into the cave.

"MIDORIYA" Aizawa's mind couldn't even say problem child, he was that anxious. They quickly dug at the snow, and finally saw a glimpse of Midoriya's glove, almost camouflaged with the snow. As quick as they could, they dug Deku up, his face pale, eyes closed and breathing quite shallow. They quickly rushed into town with Midoriya in Aizawa's arms and barged into Recovery Girl's immediate office. Yes, Recovery Girl has followed Deku and Bakugou's pair, since they had assumed that their pair would have the biggest possibility of needing medical help. Guess they were right.

In 20 minutes, Recovery Girl, heaters and warm water slowly did the trick, turning Midoriya into slightly peachy skin. Still pale, but not as bad and he has finally woken up. After several cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows, he asked some questions.

"Mr Aizawa, Recovery Girl, Kacchan? What happened? Are the people ok?! They are right? "

"You f*cking ner-"

"Bakugou, calm down. I will explain" Aizawa sternly said. Midoriya knew this was going to be serious

"I don't know why I'm still surprised that you're worried about the people first even though you're the one lying in a hospital bed, a few inches too close to death." Aizawa sighed "After you foolishly chased the tourists out, the cave's snow collapsed and covered you just as we rushed in. We dug you up and you were immediately given to Recovery Girl"

"O-oh... sorry everyone..." Deku mumbled, looking sideways

"You don't need to apologise but seriously problem child, take better cautions" Aizawa says, rubbing his nose bone.

That was 5 years of his life scared off.

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