You think you're a hero..? (You never came to save my world)

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A/N: Hiii, so sorry for the lack of update TvT-

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and be sure to comment down suggestions for the 1 Year Special (see previous chapter)!

AU: Based off of the Hero and Villain Duet


Inspired/motivated by yoobisnose and their fic 'You once held my hand'

-> The lyrics are not exact, and are modified to try fit into the work better!


"Hey Deku, why do you keep trying? You're always going to be worthless!"

"Haha, stupid quirkless! You'll end up nothing but a splat on the road!"

"I'm GoNna Be a hEro~ What a loser!"

"You should give it up, quirkless! Here's a piece of advice, instead of being useless, why don't you become a villain instead! At least you'll be of some use then!"

"Sensei, it was De-Midoriya's fault! He faked those injuries!"

"Midoriya, this is completely unreasonable. With so many marks on your record, I truthfully don't see how you could make it with a legal job, let alone a hero."

"You're gonna end up a villain." they may as well have said.

Dark orange tinted the classroom, the only thing breaking the silence was restrained sniffles; practice ensured his crying was carefully quiet.

Fresh wounds bleed across his pale skin, crimson trickling onto healing, and old wounds. Familiar tears warp the room in front of him, and Izuku refrained from whimpering his pain as he leaned onto the nearby desk for support.

Izuku smiled bitterly; what was he in the rush to get home for after all? His mum had to work night shifts once again, and he had no plans- there was no one to hang out with, or even communicate civilly.

Jumping at a sudden intrusion, he met widening crimson eyes and the familiar burning scent of caramel seeped into the room.

"Deku? What the-"

Feeling his legs give way, Izuku found himself crash to the floor again, the pain of his new injuries barely numbed by adrenaline.

Hesitating, Bakugou helped Izuku onto a chair, albeit a little roughly, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the sight in front of him.

The older male had noticed the injuries that was not caused by him- and a little spark of an emotions that was perhaps guilt swam in Katsuki's stomach at the realisation that he caused injuries in the first place- but he had not thought to put any mind to it.

Seeing the collapsed and bleeding male muttering a 'thanks' with hooded eyes in front of him, Katsuki was questioning whether or not he may have been wrong at thinking Izuku was vastly able to withstand everything.

But...surely someone would have told him it was wrong to treat the nerd like that, if it really was that bad? Deku must be weak, and his treatment not that bad.

"I can't help but wonder, why are you helping me Kacchan?" the grenette asked, not looking at him. "You are a hero. I know heroes save anyone and everyone, but why would you save someone who's destined to either die or become a villain?"

Katsuki slightly froze at the words. Any traces of the stuttering and anxious boy from every day was gone, and in front of him was a hurt, docile, shell of that bright-eyed boy.

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