Believe in me.

494 24 38

AU: Eri asks a question

"Mr Deku..." the young girl with bouncing pale locks asked wearily. 

"Yes, Eri? Do you need something?" the said-hero-in-training asked, flashing an encouraging smile. 

"C-can I ask you a question?" Eri said, hands wringing nervously. 

"Of course you can Eri!" Midoriya said, interlocking a curious gaze to the berry-red of Eri's. 

"I-I think that M-mr Aizawa wouldn't understand i-in my way and M-mr Mirio would probably b-be too.... um... e-enthus-iac?"

"Enthusiastic, but good try!" 

"R-right! Enthu-siastic. t-that's why I t-thought I should ask you b-because... because Mr Deku is my h-hero! A-and before w-when you promised m-me that y-you would s-save me.." Eri rambled glancing to the floor, 

Deku held a comforting hand on her shoulder, gently urging her to continue. She trusted him to answer her question? That statement made Midoriya's heart clench a little tightly in drowning happiness. 

"y-you did end up saving me s-so I know you'll b-be honest with me.."

Eri says, smiling gently. 

"I-I will Eri, I won't let your trust be in vain." Izuku says, flashing a resolute smile, little tears in the corners of his eyes. Eri trusts him with something important to her. Him. That made him feel like a hero more than even defeating a villain- having someone reside in him was invaluable. 

In the midst of the common room, mint green cushions on beige sofas, the sunset highlighting them merigold, flickering shadows dancing, Eri slowly looks up at Deku with desperation in her eyes. 

The silence and tense mood reminding the grenette of a time of immense loss. A time of desperation for an answer he desired- an answer that sparked support. 

"Mr Deku, when you and the heroes saved me... I felt so safe a-and w-warm."

'He's laughing!'

 W-when you fought O-overhaul it was r-really scar-y b-but-! Y-you were so brave!" 

'He's such a cool hero, Mum...'

"Do you think.... that I can be so brave too..?"

'Can I... be a hero too...?'

"Do you think I can save people too...?" Eri says, glancing anxiously, exploring those watery verdant orbs. 

In another time, a slim woman would collapse on her knees, hugging the small body of a breaking child, apologising in distress over and over again. 

The tears would roll down that child's face, chest heaving from the harsh reality. 

That moment would create a rift in a relationship, and it would fuel that lonely boy to try and bring his dream to life. 

"Eri..." Izuku starts, trembling as he placed the small girl in a passionate embrace, warmth more bright then the descending sun, opposing the dark, wearing setting of a similar moment a decade ago. 

"You and your quirk is amazing. You've been through so much but you're so strong and I think you heart is kind.

So yes... 

You can be a hero."

A blinding and hopeful smile breaks across the younger's face, tears racing down the pale cheeks. 

Midoriya felt warm tears smother his cheeks as a bittersweet smile graced his features. 

She didn't deserve to be hurt the same way. 

Behind the sofa, Aizawa Shota took in the scene unfolding before him. Midoriya looked like he was living through a painful memory. 

He needed to have a talk with Problem Child about his past.

A/N: This was a rlllllllyyyy short chapter but honestly I thought of this idea and could not get it out of my head! If I have time (I have art hw and I need to study for a history assessment tomorrow) I might write another chapter for this story (I also need to write a chapter for Into the Dekuverse oof-). Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!

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