You Were My Everything (I wanted, but didn't need.)

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A/N: Hey guys! This part 2 of 'You Were my Everything (I thought you always would be) is definitely late but enjoy~!

ALSO, I almost forgot but HAPPY 3RD YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! Thanks for all the support these years, and love you all xx

Hope you enjoy this chapter <33


Class 1-A instantly ambush Midoriya with love at that moment, and Midoriya found himself smiling amidst his tears.

....from the lurking corners, Aizawa smiled at the sight.

Turned around.

And went to find All Might.

...there was some explaining to do...


Opening the door without knocking, Toshinori prepared to say his greetings as per usual, before noticing the wrath emanating from Aizawa. Despite having faced many foes, All Might acknowledged that this anger was not something that could be qualmed- not even with any power that Yagi would have back soon.

"A-Aizawa-kun. Hello." the blonde forced out, the words thick and hesitant, as dread- overwhelming, unsinkable dread- filled his guts and constricted his lungs. 

In hinsight, he knew what this was about. 

He had prepared for this, as soon as he had made the decision to protect Izuku, and take back the power that was slowly and steadily killing the boy. 

"What did you do." Aizawa spoke- no, seethed-, waves and waves of anger barely contained underneath a carefully constructed mask of tranquilness. When Yagi responded with pained silence, Shota snapped. 

Rushing forward, Aizawa grasped the collar of the former Number One hero- but could he really be called a hero when he crushed a child's dream, a child he loved so dearly?- and spat out once more; "What did you do, All Might?!"

Hanging limply, Eraserhead may have felt guilty in another time, at the sight of how pathetic Toshinori looked there and then; the twinkle of joy that seemed to be permanently in those azule eyes had vanished, replaced by an endless flood of dark navy. 

Eyes of grief. 

The eyes of someone who had hurt his student, and would not explain why. 

In his anger, Aizawa didn't notice the tears start to gather in the corner of his eyes, until they trickled down his face sluggishly. 

"That kid thinks of you as the f*cking sun, Yagi. He'd hang up the stars for you." Furiously waving a finger out the door, Shota's voice grew louder and louder, "I've just seen the boy break down and collapse into tears, sob like he's just been robbed of everything important in life. I've just see my student, someone I care for- because f*ck my logical ruses right now- cry in a voice so heartbroken, it hurt to listen to, and it's all. Because. Of. You. It's because of you, All Might, someone he'd die for, and you can't even grant me the luxury of knowing why.  Why, Yagi?!" Aizawa screamed, voice hoarse with tears, "Why did you break him down like that? Why did you rip his heart to shreds. Tell. Me. Why?!" the fist in Toshinori's collar only tightened. 

Tears flooded out of Toshinori's eyes for the second time that morning, and the scar on his stomach ached. 

It hurt so, so much to know that his boy was utterly broken because of him. He knew that it would haunt him for the rest of his days, that the shards of Izuku's broken heart would make him bleed out on his lonely, abandoned death bed. 

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