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Inspired by phantommesangel on Archive of Our Own (just the cooking categories)

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Izuku says, practically vibrating with excitement, as he jumped (not literally) off the stairs, a smile which could put the sun, moon and heaven's gates to shame, plastered across his face.

"What are you talking about, stupid Deku? There's over 2 weeks before Christmas! December doesn't mean Christmas you know!" Katsuki says, irritated at having to scold Midoriya for something like that.

"Yes, yes, I know! But the Christmas spirit is such a happy mood, it just makes everything seem so much brighter and pretty!" Izuku exclaims, his eyes lighting up, more than the star atop the green, verdant tree, (in this case, his green locks seemed to do the trick).

"Whatever nerd." Bakugou grunts, not missing the un-fased sparkle of Izuku's eyes, as he stormed out of the dormitory and into the gardens.


Midoriya, turns around to meet the face rather emotionless face of Todoroki

"Todoroki-kun! Good morning! Today's lovely isn't it!? IjustloveChristmassomuchit'sawesome,andtheairisfilledwithsomuchhappiness,andhappypeopleandchildrenjustmakesmyownheartsofulfilledandcontent,IfeellikeeveryoneisjustabitmorehappieronChristmasand- "

"Midoriya." Todoroki repeats, kindly smiling to Midoriya's blushing face, "Apologies for ruining your leisure however..."

"Our classmates and I kind of need your help."


To say that the majority of Class 1-A were bad at cooking would be an understatement. It's not just that most of them didn't know how to cook, but that most of them tries to cook, with ridiculous logic.

Class 1-A's cooking abilities were ranked in a few groups which can be easily categorised.

The person at the bottom of the list was none-other-than Mineta, who was firstly too shot to reach the counter, but also because no one wanted to eat anything from the hands of Mineta (apart from Kaminari for... reasons and possibly Midoriya for being overly sweet and kind).

The groups near the bottom of the list were Todoroki, Aoyoma, Momo, Iida, Mina, Toru and Kaminari. Todoroki, Aoyoma, Momo and Iida was simply because they've never had the need to cook, from their wealth, although Momo and Iida could possibly cook with the right instructions.

The group above that would be Ojirou, Koda, Jirou and Shoji. These people had no cooking talent whatsoever, but if they put their mind to it, they could possibly conjure up some sort of decent pasta (over-cooked and wet).

The second-best group of cookers would consist of Tsu (with very bland tastes), Kirishima (with very strong flavoured food), Sero (who had very limited variety of recipes) and Uraraka, Sato and Tokoyami (the dessert dreamers). The 3 made exceptional desserts, like pure, sweet heaven on the tip of a tongue.

Consequently, this left the power duo chefs, Midoriya and Bakugou. On one hand, we had Bakugou with an explosion of relishing flavours, exciting and interesting to the tongue, various textures and crispiness per each different recipe. Katsuki typically made an insanely spicy curry too, which only him, the Devil and Midoriya could possibly eat.


"Bakubro what the manly heck is this?!" Kirishima says, gulping down gallons of cold, soothing, milk.

"Ha! Something none of you extras could eat!" Bakugou smirks proudly

"I-is that e-even food!?" Uraraka shrieks, tears in her eyes.

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