Comfort in the warmth of eachother

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A/N: I sorry I haven't uploaded in 3 weeks. Please, take this chapter as my apology. 


AU: Could maybe?


The dark blue of the night sky stretched far and wide across the UA dorm windows, little sparks of wishes lighting the sky up. Gentle, florescent lights glow from the kitchen, and Tsuyu shivers a little as she reaches the common room, a mint blanket strewed across her shoulders. 

"Midoriya-kun, kero?"

Startled, the viridant-haired boy jumped slightly, little puffs of flour floating up from the sudden action. 

"Tsuy- Tsu-chan!" Midoriya greeted, scratching his curls softly, smearing flour into his hair. Tsuyu smiled tenderly at such a Midoriya-like sight. 

"What are you doing down here, kero?" Tsu asked, wandering closer to her classmate, who seemed to be mixing a batter of sorts. 

"Well, I couldn't sleep...home-sickness and all you know? So I decided to make some cookies my mum used to bake all the time!" Izuku smiled in fondness, dusting his hands off of the flour. "What about you Tsu?"

Tucking the blanket closer to her shoulders, Tsu glanced downwards- Midoriya felt the same, and he never was one to judge in the first place.

"I was just feeling home-sick too, ribbit. I used to cook for my siblings all the time, so it feels a little weird not to, kero." Tsu confessed, earning an empathetic and caring smile from Izuku. 

"Our's starting to feel like our own family, don't you think? It makes me feel a little better, when I remember all the amazing people I have here...that although they can't replace Mum, I'm never alone." Midoriya laughed slightly, the infectious kind that made Tsu unavailable to hold back her own chuckle. 

"That's...a lovely way to think of that."  Tsu snickered, making Izuku slightly blush from embarrassment.

"Well, do you wanna- do you want to help me bake these cookies? We could share them with everyone else." Midoriya asked encouragingly, looking at Tsuyu with eyes shining with determination, and the ever growing kindness only one as selfless as he could have. 

"Sure, kero."

As Tsuyu helps measure the sugar, and Izuku moves around the kitchen like his natural environment, the frog-girl thinks to herself; how could she be so kind? So....heroic. 


Looking over to see emerald eyes calm and relaxed, unlike his usual energetic self, but in a way still so Midoriya-like, Tsuyu couldn't help but put thought into that little spark. 

That spark of lingering pain, the almost disbelief and anxiousness of himself. 

Tsuyu knows that those emotions are developed. 

She recognises that look from Habuko-chan. 

She recognises that look from her siblings. 

She recognises that look from her reflection, sometimes. 

And healing isn't a process that's easy-not by a long shot. 

Admitting to confront problems that would be easier not discussed always seems so comforting too- the warmth she could feel from Shigaraki's hand, barely a centimeter away from her face, the sound of Aizawa-sensei's bones crushing, the near-chance of Midoriya being killed by that villain in the water-

But together, with Midoriya, with her classmates...

They can heal. 

They will heal. 


A/N: Very short chapter but I hope you all enjoyed this either way! I thought everyone deserved a little fluff! This chapter is not Tsuyu x Midoriya, but I respect those who like the ship. (Please do not start a war, PLEASE)

Anyways, have a Plus Ultra day/night, and see you next chapter!

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