Through the phone, I apologise (years due)

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A/N: Heya, this chapter's SUPER short, but it was inspired (pretty much adapted) from a scene in Violet Evergarden's latest movie. I gotta say, Violet Evergarden is GOLD. It has some of the best visuals in anime, and is AN ANIME SERIES. Like, that's rare as hell- 

Anyways, enjoy the super short 437-worded chapterrrr. (It's literally so short, it's worth like 2 mins)

AU: Katsuki lies on the hospital bed helpless, and the phone by his ear is the only thing keeping him going. 

"I always...I always wanted to say-" Katsuki started, his breath hitching, as he lies on the pristine white sheets, his family surrounding him with tears trickling down their faces. Katsuki holds the phone to his ear, tears already building up in his eyes. 

He couldn't go before he said this. It was long over-do. 

"K-Kacchan?" Izuku whispered on the other line, forcing his vocals to work. 

"I've always wanted to say...I'm sorry." Katsuki urged out, blinking away tears to no avail. He could hear the grenette let out a confused noise on the other end, but Katsuki continued, because otherwise he wouldn't get the chance to. 

"I'm sorry- god, I'm sorry for- for shutting you out..when I needed you, and you needed me...I'm sorry for...saying so many mean things to you..I'm- I'm sorry-!" Katsuki wailed, putting a weak arm over his eyes, whilst a wet laugh could be heard from the other end of the line. 

"I forgive you, Kacchan...I was never mad at told me that- that you didn't want to see me. But- but I knew, I knew that you meant t-that, that you didn't want me to see you on a hospital bed." Izuku cried, closing his eyes whilst his mother hugged him from the side, unable to do anything about it. 

"I want- I want to be there with you over there!" Izuku sobbed, tears springing away, as he looked towards the floor. "But, I can't. I- every week, I came to visit you. Every week. I saw you through the window- and- and that was enough for me, but...I want to see you in person Kacchan. I'm not gonna ever get another chance.

"Izuku... " Katsuki took a deep breath. "We both know that's not possible but...thank you. Thanks for...playing with me. Thanks for being by my side. Thank you..."

"Kacchan...see you...see you on the other"

Katsuki smiles gently, and the world around him slowly turns to black. 

"I love you, brother."

Silence reigns. 

If only it had played out that way, Katsuki thinks, opening his eyes to an empty hospital room, the phone by his ear playing a familiar tune from childhood. 

Izuku was long gone. 

The memory of tying up that bouquette of flowers by the side of the road was engraved into Katsuki's memory, bringing up tears every time. 

Now it's his time to go, his time to join back with Izuku. 

And nobody's lasted long enough to give him flowers when he finally goes. 

Katsuki closes his eyes, bony hands resting atop his barely-rising chest, and he knows it's his time. 

"I meant what I said long ago...see you Izuku."


A/N: Literally my shortest chapter EVER. I recently watched the latest Violet Evergarden movie, and the scene with Yuris and Lucus for real BROKE MY HEART AH. I cried like a baby haha- 

But anyways, I'm really going with the hospital vibe these past two chapters XD! Anyways, new chapter soon because this one was so short <3

Have a Plus Ultra day/night guys!

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