Trust in Me (Believe in Me Part 2)

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AU: Part 2 of Believe in Me. Aizawa has a chat with Midoriya...

"Midoriya, please stay behind." Aizawa says, observing how the said-child tenses, emerald eyes widening, before slumping his shoulders and wringing his scarred hands, gaze flittering everywhere but Shouta's eyes.

And why was the kid so anxious? He didn't actually do something wrong did he? 

"Y-yes Aizawa-sensei!" the students says, curly green hair bouncing in a nod. 

As the rest of the students scurried away, the grenette's friends shooting anxious glances to the boy in which they received a bright smile in return, Aizawa lazily walked over to his student, who was having an inner turmoil. 

What did he do? 
What did Aizawa-sensei need or want? 
Is he in trouble? Oh he must be in trouble! There's no other reason to why Aizawa-sensei would need him! 
He didn't break any bones as of recent...
Did he forget to give in a piece of homework? Oh no! How did he forget?!
Was it English? No, Present Mic doesn't set that much homework...
Midnight-sensei? No she would've told him, she's not typically the type 

"Problem Child."

OhmygodisitEctoplasm-sensei?Ohno,IknowIdidthehomeworkbutIwasn'ttoosureaboutthatalgebraicequationandImusthvaegottenitallwrong- ohnowhatifIfailMaths?! ThatwouldbesobadandthenImightnotbeabletograduateUAanditwouldbeatotaldisasterandAllMightwould'vewastedhisquirkonme- whatkindofsuccessoramI!?And-

"Problem Child!"

Perking up, verdant eyes found onyz ones, and the boy clamped a hand over his mouth, spluttering. 

"I-uh-a! S-sorry Aizawa-sensei!" Midoriya said, light embarrased blush dusting his cheeks. 

"It's fine Problem Child, although it's a wonder you have that much lung capacity." Aizawa grumbled, mumbling the last bit.

The boy in question tilted his head to the side, eyes blinking obliviously, eerily similar to a kitten.

"Did you say something sensei?" 

"No nevermind, anyways, back to the subject."

At that, the green-haired boy gulped nervously. 

"You're not in trouble, Midoriya."

Instead of the relieved sigh he was expecting, Aizawa received a glance from emerald eyes which flashed with curiosity, confusion, and also disbelief. No, Aizawa would not admit how that hurt a bit, just a bit. 

Why would Problem Child not trust him? That's not usually a one-off incident situation. The more that Shouta learnt about his student, the more concerning everything seemed- he was missing something- a major piece of finding out about Problem Child and how his past is affecting him. 

"U-umm, c-can you t-tell me w-why I'm h-here than, Aizawa-sensei?" 

Right. The answer to all the questions was right in front of him. 

"Problem Child, do you have anything you want to tell me that would directly affect either your physical or mental well-being?" 

At that, the boy tenses and his eyes widen by just a bit, before returning to his former anxious state. 

First sign that something is wrong. 

"N-no Aizawa-sensei. Why did you ask?" the boy states, taking a deep breath. 

"Well then Problem Child, I just had something to discuss with you that concern you and me too, may I add." the man grumbles, taking a seat in the chair opposite of Midoriya's. 

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