Trick or treat (don't let it make you bleed)

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A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! I'm so sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday (31/10/21), but Happy (late) Halloween! As some of you guys know, this fic first started on Halloween last year, and I can't believe it's already been a year! It's insane how much my writing style has changed throughout the year!

And they say reading fanfictions is uneducational :D

Anyways, to celebrate, I've decided to re-write (sorta) the first chapter of this work~! Hope all of you enjoyyy!


"Trick or treat, Kacchan!" Izuku chirped, the pristine white of his ghost-costume pooling around his legs. 

"Man, what a stupid holiday. I'd much rather be training than doing this." Katsuki grumbled half-heartedly, fiddling with the fake canines that Midoriya had insisted Bakugou put on.

"Ah, live a little!" the grenette snickered, unwrapping a lollipop and popping it in his mouth. 

"It's not everyday you get to do something like, it's been years since I've trick-or-treated with you Kacchan!"

Well, wasn't that a sharp reminder of the many years Katsuki put to waste? The years where Izuku stayed at home by himself, watching his former friends trick or treat without him. 

Shaking his head, Katsuki shook the thoughts away and focused on the present. Izuku was with him now, and they were working towards a future where they were stronger than ever. 

"Say, Dynamight, how about we play a little game?" Izuku suggested, the promise of a challenge flashing in his viridant eyes. 

"Huh? Sure, Deku. Bring it on!" the blonde smirked, always happy to bring on a challenge. "I'll beat you, easy peasy."

"Well, we'll see about that...! Now, stay still, and let's see how long you can endure the assaults I will force upon you! You lose, once you get annoyed and can't take anymore. If I win, I get all your candy, and vice versa..."

Well, Katsuki never was a fan of sweets in the first place, but there was no way that he, Dynamight, would bow down from a challenge. 

"Easy! Come at me Deku!" Bakugou cackled. Crimson eyes widened slightly, as a fast blur of green suddenly barged into him. 

"Oomph-" Izuku mumbled, as he put Katsuki in a death-grip hug, his viridant locks close enough for Katsuki to breath in the minty-vanilla scent. 

Katsuki tried his best to look up, in order to avoid the awkwardness of smelling his friend's hair but the issue is quickly averted to a crisis. 

Minty-vanilla turns into iron, and Katsuki spits out a mouthful of blood just as Izuku moves away, letting go of the knife stabbed into Katsuki's stomach. 

"W-why-" Katsuki starts, collapsing on one knee, as he looks up at his best friend in shock, hurt and betrayal. 

The grenette in front of him smirks, and wait- no- 

That smile is not Izuku's. 

The face he's grown to be familiar with melts away, as bell-like laughter turns into high-pitched and squealing. 

"Awieee, I can't play with you for longer!" Toga Himiko pouts, poking her cheeks with a finger, her blonde buns overtaking the last of the viridant curls. 

"Where...whe-re the f*ck i-is Deku, you crazy bi..." Katsuki forces out, carefully getting up to not aggravate the injury. 

"Where do you think I got the blood from..?" Toga whispered, leaning herself close to Katsuki's face, who paled considerably. 

"You... B*TCH!" Katsuki yelled, placing his palm to Toga's face and letting out a big-enough explosion to knock anyone unconscious. 

The fallen figure melted into clay, as Bakugou stared in disbelief at his own hands. 

'Deku...where's Izuku?!' Katsuki thinks, but he doesn't have the energy to act on the thought. 

Black surrounds him and he feels himself start to fall, but not before a flash of green lightning sparks in the corner of his eyes and warm hands catch him. 

"Kacchan...I-I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough..!" A familiar voice wails, voice cracking at the end. 

He loses consciousness after that. 

And he doesn't wake up again. 


A/N: So how was it? Not my best work (flow wasn't too good until I got to the angst lmao-) but I'm happy with it! Hope you all enjoyed, and have a Plus Ultra day/night!

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