I'm a traitor (to my own heart)

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A/N: I am not going to lie, I wrote this chapter on a Youtube video (link above, and also here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4QOQ5lTquk&lc=z22fdluadtv1dp3ekacdp430fim0nieer0i0ibax2ihw03c010c ) and I just loved the video by B1TTERSWEET ! The idea was of forcedtraitor! Izuku and I couldn't resist writing this mini chapter, and thought, why not post it? So enjoyyyy!

Warning: Just a littttttle bit of violence (?)


Lips quivering, Izuku held a shaking fist to his heart, tears endlessly streaming down his face.

"Why?" they said, betrayal engraved into them, overwhelming shock and pain emanating off of each and every one of his classmates and friends.

"You said...that we could still be heroes together. We finally had a chance, Izuku." Katsuki whisperer, voice breaking in between.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...this isn't...this isn't what I wanted!" Izuku gasped, clenching his eyes shut, cutting off the sights of his family looking at him with a newfound pain.

"You gave up on me...didn't you?" the blonde uttered, a single tear rolling down his face. "I wanted to come clean...I wanted to come clean so, so bad...but if I did, then my chance to save you guys would all be over. I did this so I could finally be of use. And then I continued to do it...so I could take the pain instead of you guys." the pained boy said, purple wisps of mist starting to form around him.

"Everything...I can tell! Midoriya, you can't pretend to not care about us! Our friendship was true. You can't pretend that you don't care about every person here!" Kirishima stated, taking one step closer to the grenette, to which the latter flinched.

"You are my hero Deku-kun. You still are. You didn't want this, and we understand that. Please, we can help you!" Uraraka wailed, droplets of tears glistening in the pale sky, as she shakes her head"

And how ironic, that the sun shies away just as if the sun of 1-A is revealed to have many shadows.

"I was quirkless! Useless! They promised a home for me...love for me. I only found that here with you guys. But, don't you understand, that's impossible to continue. I chose this path when I was ignorant and lost. There's no going back from that. I'm a villain, just as bad as all the villains we've fought together."

"You're not." Iida urges strongly taking a step next to Kirishima "Villains are those who haven't been saved. You still save people regardless- that type of heart is one that belongs to the truest of heroes. You taught me that...you taught me what a true hero really is!" Iida holds a hand out to the grenette, who wails quietly.

"I-I can't! I just..I want you guys to become heroes... heroes that stop people like me. I know every single one of you can do it. And I..I shouldn't be a part of that life..I never should have!"

"People like you, that helped me go through years of trauma and pent-up anger?" Todoroki cut in. "People who sacrifice limb and mind, for someone else? People who believe that everyone is worthy of something, no matter where they come from and how they come to be?" The dual-haired boy continued.

"You are not a villain. You are misunderstood. You are lost."

"That's what a villain is, kero" Tsuyu added on. "Somebody misunderstood. Some choose to go to violence and destruction and lose themselves in it. Others can change for the better. We want to help you Midoriya...just like you've helped us."

"You are not evil. You are not a freak. You are not useless" Mina and Kaminari said after eachother.

"Come back, Problem Child. There is hope for you here." The normally gruff man says, opening his arms in an embrace position.

Freely crying now, Izuku takes a tentative step towards his family, before running.

Closer and closer and closer he gets, to happiness, to freedom, to all his hopes!

And then a grip of five fingers holds on his shoulders, and dust of his own flesh is the last thing he sees.


A/N: And how was thatttt? I swear there's a longer chapter coming soon XD. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and have a Plus Ultra day/night and start the count-down for December!

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