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Cute fluff-shot with Eri, Kota and Deku! 

Third POV: 

As Izuku Midoriya collapsed onto his fluffy and soothing cascade of pillows and blankets, he closed his eyes for a brief second, but opened them back up in case he fell asleep right there and then. He was already dressed and prepared for bed, but due to habits, he was planning on doing at least two topic's homework before sleeping. Middle-school was just bullying and torment over and over again, he had to get bored, so he mostly spent his free-time doing note-taking, watching heroes (and all the fandom of it) and homework. Poor child, never truly living his childhood days to the fullest, but he was happy enough with it because Izuku Midoriya was strong. A strong determination, a strong passion and a strong will, needless to say a strong power too. 

Just before he reached for the notebook with half-lidded eyes however, he heard his phone shrill. 

In another place in Japan

Mandalay was busy. Due to the attempt of trying to get the Pussy Pussy Cats worthy of being in the high positions of the ranks, they had decided to do more missions and assignments to do more work. They were heroes after all, and they would live up to a hero's duty. They were true heroes, not doing it for fame and fortune. However, this meant that Kota was awfully bored, not that he wasn't already. Although he would never admit it, he wanted to visit Midoriya and thank him personally. Mandalay knew this, and also knew that she wasn't having enough time to look after Kota to the full extent. So, she decided to send Kota to UA, hoping Midoriya wouldn't mind. 

What she didn't know was that UA gives the students hard challenges, not occasionally like in Training Camp, but frequently, almost every week, they're given exhausting tasks. Although most aren't as extreme as Training Camp, it was still nevertheless exhausting, which leads us back to weary Midoriya, twenty seconds from falling asleep. 

"H-hi?" He stutters, stiffling a yawn. If he was honest, he didn't bother reading the Caller ID, he was that tired. 

"Good evening Midoriya! How are you?" 

"M-Mandalay?! H-hi! I'm good thank you! W-what about you? I-is there something you need? Is Kota doing alright? O-oh sorry, you can speak!" Midoriya rambles. A pro hero outside of UA was calling him!? That was something, someone else would only ever dream of! 

"Yes, I do need something! I was wondering if you could look after Kota-kun for me this week! I'm sure UA wouldn't mind! I've just been kinda busy and all!" 

"Of course!" Midoriya straightforwardly says, not even rethinking about what he just said. He was going to look after a 6-year-old, whilst being exhausted (especially this week), homework and studying for this week's upcoming test?! But he pushed those aside. He was going to see Kota. Isn't that great! Midoriya was just as happy to see Kota as Kota was to see Midoriya. 

"Thank you dear!"


Maybe this was a bad idea. No! Of course not! Now you see here, Kota was not the problem here. No, no, definitely not. Kota was extremely excited to see Deku, and they were both exhilerated. They had a good, long chat and then played some heroes vs villains before going to sleep (saturday FYI). But the thing is, Midoriya couldn't help but do his homework, and study too. Exams were coming on Wednesday and he needed to make up time for training with All Might. He had gone nights without sleep back when he trained with All Might for the UA entrance exam so he could certainly do it again! But you see, that's what the problem was. Young Midoriya had no idea whatsoever about what level of limit he could overcome and which level he just shouldn't. Yes, yes, the school motto is to go above and beyond your limits but when he goes too past his limits too much, it's simply destroying him. 

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