This love and friendship (all happened before, but only my heart remembers)

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A/N: Another chapter hahahaaaaa!

Anyways, a bit of time-travel angst for you guys because it seems my fics consist of time-travel, alternative universes, and just angst in everything.

Hope all of you enjoy!


If it didn't work...if it didn't work...all of their deaths would be on him.

Please...please...let it have worked!

Opening his eyes tentatively, Izuku resisted the urge to burst into tears.

Sitting up from his bed- god, it had been ages since he'd seen it- Izuku relished the feeling of not having his joints creak from the action.

Scanning his surroundings, the grenette recognised all the details of his old room... all the details beyond the overwhelming display of All Might. His row of analysis books, the little burn mark he had gotten from a science experiment home-work when he was 8, the little photograph of him and his mother by the bed-side table, and another small framed-picture of him and Katsuki.

The mention of his mother best friend made his heart pang a bit in sorrow...his mum..and were they now?

In his time-line...after sending him to the past, the rest of them...they must be all gone now.

And the future he had come to know as his that erased now?

Are all the memories with blood, sweat, tears- literally speaking- engraved into them now all renewed?

Is all that will happen now all up to his one to remember the future with him?

Rubbing growing tears off the lashes of his eyes, Izuku got himself up and ready....looking at the calendar by his bed, it should be close to the first internships they had participated in in their first year.


If you want us to stop...then stand up! Look properly at what you want to be!

The sight of Katsuki flying through the air, away from the villain's grasps, into Kirishima's hand.


Let go...what bright future?! Don't take my Gentle away from me...

I am a hero heart is set- and I won't let go!


In due time, the present will become the future.

The future...or rather present...I know, is not the one I seek.

The change is unpredictable...the threads of time circling my neck and pulling at my heart.

I know...that to reveal myself now would be the most selfish thing I could do.

That would be to cease any chance of a better future, and to put everyone I've ever loved's hopes to dust.


"Good-morning Deku-kun!"

"Hurry up and make that damn quirk yours, Deku."

"Yo! Midoriya, what were those crazy black things that came out of your arm?"

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