If you can't stop time (stop my heart instead)

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A/N: I. Am. SO. SORRY. AH, it's been almost three weeks since I've written! I'm sooo sorry, my update schedule is sh*t lmao- 

Anyways AU: Hisashi is an asshole, and then he ruins everything. Also Kacchan and Izuku are besties. 

Warning: Violence...I don't think it's very graphic though!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"We have plenty of time! We're still young, and the future only gets better! We can be heroes-" Katsuki began, before Izuku cuts in, 

"Together! I want to be your hero partner forever, and ever, Kacchan!" 

Grinning with fascinated joy, Katsuki returned the sentient. 

"Yeah, 'zuku!"

"Kacchan...Kacchan..I'm quirkless...I'm sorry!" the grenette wailed, rubbing at his eyes, scared that his best friend would leave him. 

"Izuku..i-...it's ok. If anyone can do it..it's you. We'll still be heroes together! I'm not going to leave you, no matter what!" Katsuki declared, enclosing his friend in an embrace. 

"Really..? B-but...but Dad said I was useless..." Izuku mumbled, voice quiet and fearful. 

"Well, Uncle 'sashi is a dumb-dumb! You're not giving up now are you?"Katsuki asked, and that one question rose a new flame of determination in the young boy. 

"No. No, I'm never going to give up!"

"Izuku, dude. Hurry up! We're gonna be late- no, you dumba*s, you take that onigiri Auntie made you. You ain't leaving that beauty on the table."

"Kacchan, I love Mum's food, but you literally idolise it!" Midoriya laughed, locking the door, and running up to his best friend, as they hurried off to school. 

"It is sacred, and something you little sh*t can't understand." Katsuki said, with a tone of admiration, as he looked around before clutching the collar of his brother- in everything but blood. "Nobody's around, so hang on tight!" Bakugou warned, before he blasted the both of them through the streets, making it to school on record of time. 

"Wahhh! Kacchan, you precision on your explosions get better every day!"

"Of course, our training isn't for nothing you know."

"I know that!"

"Kacchan.." Izuku whispered, eye bags evident beneath his eyes, trembling as Katsuki clutched onto him, worried. 

"What the hell happened, nerd?" Katsuki asked, trying to be as gentle as he could, leading the grenette to sit on his bed. 

"H-he's back..." 

Crimson eyes widened in shock and fury. 

"You mean..?"

"Yeah...Hisashi's back. After 10 years too." Midoriya laughed bitterly. 

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