I don't yell (I know only echoes greet me)

121 3 15

A/N: Hey everybody! I'm backkkkk; very sorry for the wait, it's exam season, so I've been quite busy! But anyways, I hope you all enjoy this short chapter taking on a slightly different style. 

Warning: mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts but subtle. 


As his dull red shoes took a step onto the ascending escalator, Izuku stared mindlessly at the descending escalator beside him, and the people on it. 

An automated voice rang 'Please hold the railing when using the escalator', and was not thought of again. 

The mechanical creaking of the escalator was subdued with the playing of the trumpet somewhere below, mixed in with the chattering of tens-of-hundreds over people living their life. 

Watching beside him, he could see little children fascinated at the height, a group of teenagers chattering energetically, a pair of adults enjoying eachother's silence with a smile. 

Within this bright, coloured, festive world, Izuku was monotone, lifeless in the lively. 

The sounds of his surroundings grew loud, clouding Midoriya's ears, thoughts that had lingered his mind for endless years having arised again. 

If you were to put an arm above still water, it will float unless you force it down. 

You drown from either the current, or forcing every part of your body to go down with your will to live. 

Yet, what difference would it make? Whether he is alive or dead, it is so hauntingly the same. 

He knows no one, no one knows him. 

He is alone, despite the millions around him. 

That. That is the simple truth. 

The will to die doesn't require desperate break-downs, slashing of the wrists, bottles and bottles of pills, nooses...the will to die is just the will to not exist. 

Midoriya can't decide...closing his eyes, as time seems to slow down to let his thoughts race by...is he tired of meaningless, or is his true meaning to die? 

As much as he desires, the currents won't take him. 

Such is the irony of his dreams, he is slowly dying from the absent lack of anything, no screams, no desperate last words, no wounds and blood.

Death is not something to be feared. 

Because death has been familiar for longer than he has known life. 

Depression is not a dangerous, frashing monster sometimes.

Sometimes, it's a long-life companionship, an accompaniment to your melodic silence, the lock to your key. 

But, don't you know? 

These thoughts are never heard, and never will be. 

And his death will never be discovered, let alone the reasons. 

Just another breath, replaced by another's, with no one to remember. 


A/N: Hm, short but quite angsty I think? Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and I will definitely write something more interactive next time! Have a Plus Ultra day/night!

And if you ever want someone to talk to, please don't be afraid to comment here, it is a supportive community here! Other numbers you can call for professional help: Childline- 0800 1111

Please always, always remember that the purpose of life is to not yearn death! You feel lonely because you haven't found the people. You feel useless because you haven't found your strengths, when you're so caught up in your flaws. 

Love yourself! <3

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