Time Loop

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Ok I may or may not have said this (I haven't) but (as I said on my Dekuverse), I've been taking a break for January since I gave you guys 12 week's worth of stories on both this story and my Dekuverse. Even though I said that, I feel E M P T Y without writing a chapter! I've also been reading so much AO3 so I have like tons of ideas because turns out, Wattpad does not have nearly as much as AO3 has on dadzawa! So here we go... 

Happy late birthday to Eri, Uraraka, Nezu and Hawks!

Happy birthday to Todoroki!


"I can't believe it, our last day as Class 1-A!" Mina exclaims, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. The fireworks fade into the distance like dust to the wind, hazy bright memories now dulled and sacred in everyone's minds. So many things had happened when they were so young, and so soon. But the passions of these aspiring heroes would never dull, no matter how many failures, how many injuries. 

They want to save people, and they will. No matter what. 

"We're going to be second years already! Time goes by so fast, kero!" Tsuyu states, a beaming smile on her usually monotone face. 

Connections between all of them had solidified. Opportunities and chances. Moments that would forever change eachother, actions that forever formed their future. It was bizzare to see themselves reflecting on their past actions, to see how much they've grown. 

"Alright brats. Just because you're all going to be second years soon doesn't mean I'm going to let you stay up so late. To your rooms." Aizawa grumbles, although a slither of a fond smile could be seen, a warmth emanating in his chest. After all, regardless of the fact they're all hellspawns and trouble-magnets (cough cough Problem Child cough cough), they're his to raise and his to teach. His hellspawns and trouble magnets. They really do mean it when they say, 'kids grow up so fast'. 

'It's unbelievable to know that it's already been a year. A year since all my dreams have been worked on. A year since I've gotten One for All... 

I've developed so much with it, including the gain of Black Whip, Float and Danger Detection.

(not a manga-reader, I just watch tons of MHA news)

But I can always do more! Being a hero means perseverance (but not that much, dude, please take a break) and I'm going to Go Beyond as a second year!' Midoriya thinks to himself, as hugs and snippets of dismissal are traded between the members of Class 1/2-A, a fond smile placed on each face. Simultaneously, a hint of sadness remained glazing eyes; after all, this was their first year done, only two more to go, and then they'll all be pros. Whilst that's a good thing, of course, it's everyone's dreams, it's quite sad to leave people who are so close to you; like family. It just won't be the same.

{Sometimes change has to come though}


Or not. 

The alarm rings and beeps at 6am morning and Izuku wakes up to find himself in his All Might-themed room except...

the layout of the room isn't the format of his dorm room. Yes, All Might merchandise still tracks every movement, but... this... this is his bedroom at home!


That's weird...

He should be... he should be in his dorm. The whole class had decided to spend the last day of summer break in the dorms as Class 1-A. So... he should be getting ready for the first day of school as a member of 2-A except... 

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