Holding on (I can't cross the bridge)

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A/N: Hello my amazing readersssss

I'm so sorry it's been a while since I've posted on this work! Exam period you know? But anyways, this is my 3rd chapter to my 13-day-Christmas-countdown challenge, where I try and write a chapter everyday (as well as make a video because I love torturing myself) and yeah. I have already ran out of chapters that I pre-prepared. And I have a geography test to study for today. 

So I'm going to try and keep this sweet and short (not literally sweet. Ha.) 

Anyways, hope you all enjoy!


A sliver of light within the pitch dark sky, cloudless and clear, the night so silent that not even a crow screams, nor do the trees whisper, nor are any footsteps heard. 

There is a river here. 

Neither large, nor small, an average river with a worn bridge, the ropes frayed from the years. 

This river is one that is relatively deep, one hidden within the acres of trees. 

It is a desolate space. 

One said to have been the burial ground of countless children. 

One said to have been cursed with unimaginable beings. 

One that only the lonely go to, where they can be quiet with no one but themselves. 

Under the dark blanket sky, Izuku finds himself on the frail bridge, tracing the oulines of the rope. 

When did he get there? 

Why was he here, of all places?

Why did any of that matter? 

There are those who would be missed if they were to pass away, and there are those who would celebrate one's passing. To celebrate a death, because when the soul was alive they were so awful, is a truly terrible cost of improving the view on the rest of society. 

Then there are those who will be forgotten after their passing. 

Nobody would remember. 

Nobody would care.

Nobody would even notice.  

As the grenette clutches onto the rope, lost in his own mind, tears start to trickle over his still face. 

He could jump off this second. 

And who would even care? 

There wouldn't be a single thought cast his way. 

If no one cares about the consequences of flying off this bridge. 

Then why..why should he? 

He put on a shaky smile, because if he was going to go, he might as well be happy with his decision should he not? Looking up towards the sky, Izuku admired the sky one last time. 

If he squinted, he could make out the dim lights of a thousand little stars that have been hidden behind layers of pollution. 

Izuku found it ironic, how on this night, the stars were dimmed and hidden, much as he had during his short life. 

A decade of hopelessness on this world was enough for him. Maybe now...

Now he'd finally be able to break free from the pain of being different. 

He'd hope, at least. 

Maybe his death will be painless for him and the very, very few people that would be effected. 

He'd hope at least. 

But then again, he'd hoped for a lot of things; he'd hoped to have something to live for. 

That didn't work out in the end, huh? 

Closing his eyes to envelop the welcoming darkness, Izuku felt himself let go of the rope he'd been tracing for god only knows how long, and felt the sound of waves come near him, the feeling of cold washing over and then above him. 

No crows cried, no trees whispered, no footsteps were heard. 

Nobody even noticed. 


A/N: Damn- 

Short but yeesh, that was a little dark- 

I was going to get someone like Uraraka, Iida or Bakugou to save him in the end but...it's angst...

For real though, if you EVER feel like nobody would care about you, or that you are someone that is nothing and easily forgettable. Please know that there will always be someone who cares. There are 7.753 billion people on Earth- I don't believe there isn't a single person that cares, or will care, about you. So please don't give up! Help is available, even from me and others in the comment section (i.e Childline 0800 1111). 

Never be afraid to need help- it's human, just like me, and just like others <333

Have a Plus Ultra day/night and Merry Early Christmas!

Damn, what an angsty chapter for my 3rd Christmas Count-down chapter-

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