Harrowing History

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A/N: Requested. Class 1-A meet someone from Deku's past and it isn't pretty.

Warning: mentions of bullying, verbal insulting/taunting, suicide-baiting (memory of) and breakdown. Please proceed with warning.

"Alright hellspawns, listen up." Aizawa grunted, watching in satsificatory as the class cascaded into silence 

5 seconds faster than the beginning of the year- quite remarkable. 

"In order to let UA students understand the importance of civilian opinions and how they want to be treated, rescued etc, UA has invited a class from the local high school Horinaska High. Please be on your best behaviour and treat them with respect."

"Yes sensei!" the class chorused. 

"Alright, head to Gym Gamma."


"Class 1-T of Horinaska High, please, come in." Aizawa says, after opening the door of Gym Gamma and allowing them to come in. 

"Thank you, Aizawa-sir! We are thrilled that UA has allowed us the pleasure to come to it's premises!" a man in a plum-purple suit said (which, ew-), flashing a smug smile. "Though I am glad me and my class' abilities have finally been recognised!" 

Did this man think he was invited because he and his class was specifically special? Do lower the ego- 

But this was not the time for Aizawa to verbally insult the man, as a student in Horinsaka High uniform, with dirty-brown hair, and matching, widening eyes exclaimed 

"Katsuki! And Deku?! You're actually here!?"


Catching the sight of ruby-eyes, Izuku knew Bakugou recognised the boy in front of them: Mashuu Serehi. 

One of Bakugou's old lackeys and... 

Ⱥ  ḆʉꞀℒʎ

Abruptly, Midoriya's confidence, the comfort he'd built up in the past few months he'd been at UA, came crashing down. 

Right there, he wasn't Deku, you can do it! 16 with a strong quirk, All Might as a mentor, friends, supportive classmates, worrying but encouraging mother, a caring teacher and bruises only from fighting. 

Right there, he was Deku, a useless, quirkless, loser. 14 with no quirk, no friends, and no support, only a fading dream being his all sense of direction and purpose. 

His breath caught up in his throat, and it seemed like all eyes were on him- the room was silent enough that Mashuu's words came out loud and clear. 

"I can't believe a quirkless loser like you managed to get into UA! But then again, you have a quirk now, huh? Guess UA just had to get someone with a flashy quirk like that- I mean, you're still the pathetic loser you were in Junior High! Nothing's changed, and you break yourself using that quirk anyways! You were always useless, and you always will be!"

At this, Katsuki flinched and a scowl grew across his face before glancing at Midoriya's frozen form, eyes unaware of their surroundings. 

'F*ck, the nerd doesn't seem to be doing so good- f*cking long-hand extra.' Bakugou growled in his mind, but he, albeit difficultly, restrained himself from exploding at the brown-haired b*tch as to not damage UA's reputation, as well as putting together priorities in his mind. Deku needed support right now.'

"I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself yet! You should have totally done that sw-"

Before Serehi could carry on, Aizawa had promptly wrapped his capture weapon around the boy's mouth and turned to the teacher of this disgraceful class with a cold glare,

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