You Were My Everything (I thought you always would be)

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A/N: Back with another super angsty chapter this time! This one is a gift to, and also inspired by....Prodigal, written by writerllofllworlds ! The link is here:

Now let's get into it!

AU: All Might forces Izuku to give up One for All


"This can't go on." 

Izuku looked up at All Might's voice, healing hands trying to grab a hold of his chopsticks. 

Those gleaming, fond cerulean eyes; they were broken right now. Broken like the looming dusk across light skies. Broken like thousands of glass birds, a rain of shards. 

Izuku put his chopsticks down.

"A-All Might?" 

"This can't go on, my boy.

I need you to give me back One for All."

Midoriya felt numb. The moment would almost be comedic, except that the storm in Yagi's eyes were raging in on itself, except for the pain in his closed fist, except for his heart that bled. 

A breath in- it felt like lightning. 

A moment of darkness- he heard static. 

"W-What?" Izuku felt himself say, felt his lips form the words, knew he heard nothing. 

Him and his desperately shaking, earth-pounding heartbeat filled the silence. 

"My boy, I know- I- I'm truly sorry for this." the tower of a man said solemnly, "It's not what I would've wanted. But this is foryou." A bright spark of, perhaps sincerity, lit up those shadow filled lakes, and seas, and rivers; lit up those eyes of a hero. "There's no other way to keep you safe."

"One for All- that...that's mine, All Might. That's my quirk." Izuku stammered out, standing up abruptly. What Midoriya saw right now; a glowing beacon of passion had descended to deepened shadows and despair. 

"You Midoriya, I know it's-"

"No! No, All Might, please, this- this quirk is mine! Y-you said so!" Izuku yelled, knowing how pathetic his begging was, but not bothering to give a damn.

All Might kept a stubborn frown placated on his face, and that's when it hit Izuku; this was it. He was going to be abandoned, once again, thrown away like a piece of trash. He was going to go back to old, quirkless, useless, worthless Deku again. He'd worked so hard, swallowed every doubt he'd ever had, beat away every fear; to be a hero was his only ambition, his only hope. The countless years, and months, and days he'd put into this...he couldn't just give it up. 

All Might- he couldn't take it away like this. 

"You gave me a chance, sensei." the grenette said quietly, feeling the inevitable tears start to build up and blur his vision. "I had nothing. No one to live for, except for my mum. I could've jumped off a roof and fallen to my death, and no one would've even cared. I didn't because I wanted to be like you. You were the one who made me think life was worth it! You gave me a life, you gave me worth, you gave me will. You can' can't take that away- please."

"I did not give you worth, my boy." All Might opposed. "You have always had strength. In your smile, in your leadership, in your mind, in your heart. I'm simply glad I could see you find it once again." 

"But I still need it!" Izuku cried, he screamed, he demanded, "I still need you."

Toshinori stilled at this, and felt tears of his own flood out. 

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