Please, I can't without you! (so don't leave)

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A/N: This chapter could possibly be linked back to one of the previous chapters "Birthdays? Mine isn't important" but you do not have to remember or have read that chapter. 

July 14th: 

Nervously pacing around the cream-coloured carpets of his home and wrapping bandaged arms around his mid-section, Izuku was abruptly broken out of his worried trance for his mother's delay by a shrilling ring. 

A phone call is here! 

A phone call is here! 

A phone call is he-

Accepting the call from the unusual phone number (after all, no one called the quirkless boy apart from his mother anyways), a professional but solemn tone asked: 

"Is this Izuku Midoriya?" 

Wary at the down-cast tone used, Midoriya stammered out a, 

"Y-yes, speaking. W-who is this?" 

A tense silence filled the room. 

"We, Mustafu Shinko Hospital, are calling you to inform of your mother, Inko Midoriya's emergency arrival due to a villain attack near the West of Kin no ki Street. She is in surgery as of right now, and we will contact her emergency contact as well." the caller replied in a formal but sympathetic tone. 

Izuku's world stopped at its axis. Mum was... she was in surgery? W-was she alright? Oh my goodness, what was he supposed to do- 

Midoriya's mind started before the voice of the caller brought some of his consciousness back by saying 

"I understand that this is a hard thing to process but-"

"I-I will b-be ther-e s-shortly, t-thank y-you f-for tellin-g m-me" Midoriya replied, voice warbling with the stream of tears rolling down his face, as he hurriedly put on his red high-tops. 

"Very well, we will do our best for your mother." 

"T-thank yo-ou" Midoriya managed to stammer out before he rushed out of the front door, barely remembering to lock it and raced down the familiar roads, only absentmindedly noticing that the call had finished. 

His mum, the one who had always been there for him. 

His mum, who, despite the guilty look she always had in her eyes, had trusted Izuku to do what made him happy. 

His mother, who tried in her own ways to tell him she loved him. 

His mother, the one who was the sole reason that he still hung on, that he preserved. 

He couldn't - wouldn't carry on without her! She was all he had left, in this miserable, bleak world who only loved to harm him. 

If Izuku was the sun, then his mother was the whole galaxy. 

(Though how much Inko would disagree, because Izuku was brighter and more beautiful then all the stars combined, if only people would see behind the dark clouds that cover him.) 

His legs made him almost slide across the pavement and almost knock many others over, but Izuku, for once in his life, didn't care. 

He couldn't bring himself to care whether or not he made some lady drop her hand-bag, with all the useless make-up in there. 

No amount of god-damn make-up could cover the disgrace this world was. 

All he cared about at the moment was his mum. 

Stinging tears from a pain more deep than his now aggravated-burns blurred his shifting vision, as he rushed towards the hospital near his middle-school. 

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