A visit from Katsuma and Mahoro

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Mostly angst despite title. Little fluff. Enjoy!



The two Shimano siblings chorus, jumping into the two individual's arms, one beaming with a smile and the other grunting a sign of approval of their arrival.

"Hey Katsuma, Mahoro!" Deku chirps

"Wattup squirts." Bakugou smirks.

"What are we doing today???" Mahoro jumps up and down in excitement.

Katsuma and Mohoro and specifically come to visit the two aspiring heroes from Nabu Island, having a hero accompany them all the way to UA. Sure, this was a rather risky trip which took much consideration from Nezu, but in the end, Nezu let the two children satisfy their yearning and desperation.

"We were thinking you guys could watch us do some hero practice and then we could go to the mall!" Deku exclaims

"That sounds awesome!" Katsuma glows.

"Let's go then! ^^" Deku says putting Katsuma on his shoulders, and Katsuki simultaneously putting Mahoro on his shoulders, both of them squealing in delight.

"C'mon then midgets! Watch me beat up some extras!"


"Wow Katsuma, look at Deku and Kacchan go!" sparkles in her eyes.

"They look like they're dancing..!"

"But it still isn't as cool as back home!" Mahoro exclaims

"Yeah but it was really scary!" Katsuma whines, but gaze never once looking away from Midoriya and Katsuki. That's what he wanted to be: just like Deku and Kacchan. A hero. A strong, determined hero who never gave up no matter how bad the situation seemed.


I know it was risky. I know giving One for All to Kacchan could've meant that I would lose my quirk, lose my future, lose any chance of being a hero, and lose being the successor to All Might. I know that I would've lost everything I'd every hoped, dreamt and worked for. But if I had to do it again, I would've done it again 1000000000 times. If I could do something, anything, everything to save Katsuma and Mahoro then I would have.

I couldn't have stood there and did nothing. Even if I had cracked my arm again. Even if I felt I was going to collapse from exhaustion. Even if I felt like the pain as never going to end.

There never was a choice in this, not to me. I was always going to save them, even if I was going to die.

That's what I'd told All Might when he'd asked, and I meant every single word from it.



"Problem Child... I have a question..."

Aizawa knew Class 1-A's problem child had, along with everyone in the class, nearly lost their lives to save Katsuma and Mahoro. It was a wonder they even made it out all alive. However, from what he knew, it was Midoriya who made the plan, right after he got shot with a f*cking laser beam. These kids were going to be the death of him, honestly. But he knew that despite all this determination and power and kindness and passion and every other thing Izuku Midoriya was known for, there was also the constant glint of trauma in his eyes. The look that told Aizawa that Midoriya never had the things he seemed to have now. He never had the same determination in him. He never had such a bright smile plastered across his face. It wasn't just a suspicion, it was a feeling. A feeling is obvious as identifying what happiness was and what sadness was. Aizawa just knew  that Problem Child was fighting a war he thought had ended in his mind. But he didn't know how he could help. He had no proof to say Midoriya was dealing with such feelings and he had no statement of Midoriya ever mentioning it. It would be to fragile to talk to Midoriya directly about an unknown situation.

But Aizawa couldn't shake his suspicions off.

So when he found out that Midoriya, a child who wasn't a professional hero yet, had, along with his class, defeated a villain that most pro heroes would not beat even after 10-15 years of experience, Shota was not only proud, irritated, worried and weary but also saw this as a way to get just a little hint of how serious Midoriya's inner wars were. Because if his class, Midoriya specifically, was willing to give away their life without so much as a doubt, then something wasn't correct with their POV of themselves. They didn't value themselves and that was not something which should be ignored.

"Y-yes sensei?" Midoriya stuttered.

"Why did you save Katsuma and Mahoro?"


"Why did you save Katsuma and Mahoro?"

Why did I save them? Well I mean, it wasn't really all my doing, but why is sensei asking me that? Who wouldn't save them? I didn't need to think about my reply, it was as clear as day. There's no other answer and I would've never followed anything else but that.

"Because sensei... they just... didn't deserve that...

They didn't deserve to have someone try and steal their quirk... they... they didn't deserve to be... quirkless......

they just didn't....

they shouldn't need to suffer....!" Midoriya replies, swiftly and confidenty, although rather hesitantly.

Aizawa looked and searched in the viridian eyes, to spot a glint. That he found.

Aizawa could tell Midoriya had meant every single word of that, but he also found the shadow of pain and sorrow from a memory/ memories locked away from the past. He could tell the little tightening of his body language, the slight tremors his lips portrayed. He could tell the way Problem Child's eyes widened in urgency, to spread the message. He seemed desperate for Aizawa to know of what would happen if Katsuma became quirkless. That shocked Aizawa.

He didn't know the full extent of how bad the quirkless were treated but the suicide rate was off the charts, the government never really making a move to change and improve things. Yet here Problem Child was, looking at him with such an expression. It showed... understanding. Understanding of the discrimination, understanding of the pain, of the feeling of wanting to end it all. Probem Child knew. And that was concerning.


"So how did you think we do, Mahoro and Katsuma?" Midoriya says, scarred hand swinging two shorter ones.

"You were so cool! And so were you Bakugou-kun! You were like boom, bam, pow! And then Deku-kun was like smash, punch, ka-boom!" Katsuma says, breaking off of Deku's hand as he emphasised the movements with much excitement.

"Well of course I'm cool, squirt!"

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