| HYUNG LINE - he wants to cuddle |

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you were laying down in bed watching "criminal minds" when jin's tall form appeared in the door frame.

pausing your show, he turned the light on as he made his way to the bathroom to shower. noticing that he was wore out, you put extra pillows on his side and waited for him to get out when you unpaused the episode.

he came out with a towel loosely wrapped around his wait and his hair melted to his forehead, making his way to the closet and picking out a t-shirt and a pair or shorts. moving the covers on his side, he turned off the lights, walked over to your side, moved the blanket off your legs and climbed between them as he laid his head on your stomach and his arms around you waist.

"work tired you out, huh?" you whispered loudly while your hands played with his wet strands. he mumbled a "yes" eventually making you lay down so he can scoot up and lay his head on your chest.

"just hold me" he whispered before you could hear the soft snores from his mouth and softly moaned here and there when your hands massaged his scalp.


he didn't say anything. you were upstairs sleeping as usually, taking on your fourth nap of the day.

yoongi, on the other hand, was in his studio just making beats and writing lyrics while holly laid in his lap. you didn't know how he does it. what exactly? it's the fact that he leaves so early and comes back late but has the energy to continue working but that would be a lie.

as all he wanted was for you to cuddle him like the little spoon he is, and he finally came to his senses, picked holly up and walked up the stairs. once he made it into the bedroom, he called out to you to see if you were awake or still sleeping but on his third time calling you, you stirred awake.

"yes?" you could hear the sleep in your voice as you sat up to get a clear view at the man in the doorway. you didn't expect him to say anything(which he didn't) he made his way towards you as he let holly down at the foot of the bed and climbed in on your side.

moving your hands around his back, you flipped the thick blanket over both of your forms and laid back down.

"what made you change you mind and come and lay with me?" you questioned as you felt his hand plastered against the side of your left buttocks.

"wanted to be the little spoon and you're always so warm when you're sleeping." he breathed out and made himself comfortable, listening to your breathing until his matched yours signaling he was now asleep.


you didn't expect for hobi to home early as you were out getting groceries. you walked into your shared home that was literally so quiet that you could hear yourself breathe in and out.

"hobi!" you called out to him but got no answer. putting up the groceries, you made your way upstairs into your shared bedroom and seen his form cuddling one of your pillows instantly smiling at the seen.

slipping into the bathroom to freshen up, washing in your favorite vanilla scented soap before getting out and brushing your teeth.

you walked out in one of his white t-shirts, as your eyes met with his lazy ones with his body lazily sat against the headboard. making your way to your side of the king sized mattress, slipping your form under the blanket as he did the same.

he moved himself closer to you instantly making you the big spoon as he scrunched his face into your neck inhaling the vanilla scented soap he oh so died for.

"hobi baby are you okay?" you broke the silence but you didn't get a answer as he fell asleep in your body's warmth. shooting your hands into his hair, you heard the little groans as if you were relieving stress off of him.


he loved seeing your sleepy form in the bed bundled up in the covers. he couldn't wait to cuddle into your lifeless body as one of your arms unconsciously moves around him.

managed not to wake you by walking softly on the room floor making his way to the bathroom to shower.

knowing he wasn't the quietest, he stubbled his toe on the tv stand putting his hand over his mouth to conceal the horror that came out.

"joon now how did you do that?" you questioned as you sat up wide awake looking at him as he gave you a confused look.

he walked over to you and shushed you up with kiss telling you to go back to sleep(which you did without a fight.) until he came back from taking a shower.

namjoon opened up the bathroom door revealing his wet body but you were asleep to even see it nor had the chance to slide your hands on it. so he walked over to the closet and pulled out only a pair of shorts, ruffling his hair with the towel so that your clothing would get wet.

feeling him slip underneath you was when you shot up and seen his face pressed into your boob with a hand caressing your hip, making you lay back down and stroke his cheeks as dimples slowing formed and unformed as he drifted off.

planting one last kiss on his lips before going back to sleep yourself.

author note:

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