| MYG - let me hear you |

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teenagers/highschool au!

"come on y/n can we just have some fun? like old times?"

you heard the voice you so longed to hear after the meaningless hiatus after the argument.

you were contemplating on if you should start this fling with yoongi again even though all of the past trauma he caused you still ramaged through your mind at how it took so long to get over him.

"so what are you sending me?"

his voice rang through your phone, turning up the music playing on your tv so that no one heard.

it was either you play along with this little fling and get hurt again by your first love or you call him off and tell him you don't want to this anymore.

"i never agreed to sending anything yoongi." you spoke into the device setting your ground, "i have a set of rules and if you break any of them i'm done."

you seen yoongi read your message as his icon popped up a few times as he was typing.

"okay what's your rules?" his voice spoke.

it didn't take you long to come up with a list of simple rules as they were there to 'save' you from getting hurt.

number 1: don't rush me to send anything. we both know i'm a busy girl.

number 2: i will not be taking off any clothing for you to see me naked.

you texted.

fine with me, as long as i get to see your ass.

you read as he was being a pervert.

" i'm not finished smart ass."

number 3: i come home really late on certain nights.

number 4: i do not want to see your lower half. it's a turn off.

you send a "see video" text but from pass experiences you didn't open it.

i wish you would've told me before i started.

it read under the video text.

number 5: if i ever ignore you for a long period of time, it's because my feelings for you have are increasing tremendously and i need to get away from you.

number 6: please don't hurt my feelings.


you removed the previous clothing that hugged your curves as you thought of ways to seem lustful pictures of yourself.

sending your plumptious tits that sat in your red push up bra making sure to get the right angle were your necklace dangled above them.

hitting send as you typed two words.

something different

you could tell he was enjoying the scandalous pic as he typed up his message.

sending your breast?😅

send me another

the next one sent and you got to work. moving your face out of the photo as you watched how attractive your c cup boobs looked before sending them to the horny male across the phone screen.

fuck i'm almost there

send me your ass y/n

you read his next texts, but you had a simple request. something that you wanted to try.

let me hear you, yoongi.

biting your fingernail as you seen his icon pop up as he was typing.

you want to hear me cum?

okay but i need more pics to finish.

rushing to the bathroom turning on its bright lights as you turned up the brightness on your phone.

you lifted up the blue knot sweater that hugged loose on your brown body as you took two pictures of your ass as it looked like it was going to burst through the fabric of your panties.

almost there y/n send me a video.

you read doing the same routine but swaying your hips side to side in the first vid sending it.

something felt off like as if the first video wasn't enough making you send a second vid of you jumping a little as your ass jumped a little up and down then ending it with your signature sway of your hips.

here you go. i made a mess so i have to shower.

his last texts read as you dashed back to your room grabbing your headphones hearing his deep voice groan and moan a few curse words as the final one signaled he pumped out the last of his cum.

imagining it laying over his tone stomach you couldn't help but to feel turned on.

yeah i'm going to go shower too.



insta: iluvvj

love you

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