| KNJ - such a big boy |

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" look at you sweetie," you cooed talking to your son as you got him dressed to go to his grandma's house, "you're such a big boy just like your daddy."

you and namjoon wanted to spend the night alone meaning little joon had to go spend time with his grandma.

"trying to get me started early y/n?" you heard namjoon behind you as he went behind your butt caressing your hips since you were bending down.

"namjoon get off of me, my son is right here." you spoke slapping his hand facing towards him then picking up jj.

"i'll be back," you said kissing namjoon on the lips, " i have to drop jj off to your mom." feeling the tall man in front of you grip your ass before you walked out the door.


"namjoon sweetheart," you cooed, " you're drunk." trying to get the drunken man to stop kissing and biting your neck.

he ignored your warning as his hands roamed your body to unzip your skirt as it pooled down to your ankles revealing your dark blue fabric of your thong.

pushing you towards the bed, your back landed on the soft material of your duvet as he hovered over your body then attacking your neck.

"namu" you moaned feeling his finger play with your princess through the thin fabric.

trailing your hands from his shoulder down to his hips to meet the hard object in his pants begging to be release from itself restaints.

"i'll be gentle baby." the faint smell of hennessy on his breath as he kissed your lips while undoing his slacks making them fall to the ground.

he played with the hem of his draws pulling them down as his length came into view, he moved your panties to one side, teasing your slit with his tip as you whimpering at the friction.

a little whine left your mouth feeling namjoon slip inside of you as the pleasuring stretch from his dick made your nails dig into his shoulder blades.

his thrusts started off as slow as he watched your facial expressions change as he gradually increased his strokes as he grunts feel from his mouth as he readjusted to your warmth.

"deeper please" the words fell from your mouth as if he wasn't deep enough but the fact that he hit your g-spot with each stroke made you want to dig deeper into your crevices.

"fuck" namjoon dragged his words out as he started to feel his climax approaching from the inhumane strokes he was pumping into your body to your pink acrylics attaching his honeydew skin to the repetitive squeeze of your cunt surrounding his cock.

your climax was chasing up on you feeling the low shake in your legs as they were wrapped around joon's waist, arching your back feeling the pad of his thumb flick your clit at the same pace as his thrusts making you loose consciousness.

"cum for me baby." still smelling the faint scent of hennessy on his breath as he connected your lips into a sloppy kiss as the unfamiliar feeling of your orgasm spray out of you.

namjoon watched how you squirted over both of your bottom halves as his dick was still ramming into you as you watched his toned stomach glistening from your juices and the feeling of his cock twicthing inside of you was enough to make you cum again.

again feeling the pad of his thumb on your clit, the sudden emptiness of his dick no longer being inside your princess as you watched him jerk himself at a face pace as he increased the rubbing on your bud making your legs tremble signaling your oncoming orgasm.

little whimpers left your mouth as grunts left his. he watched you clench around nothing as he rubbed his tip with his thumb making his length twitch in his hand.

"i'm cumming" you shouted as namjoon agreed jerking himself insanely fast along with rubbing your clit as the liquid sprayed from your cunt going all over his stomach as his nut spilled on your stomach and some landed on your thigh.

walking to the bathroom, you heard the sink water turn on and back off as namjoon came out with a towel to clean up the mess you both made.

"i thought you said you weren't a squirter, y/n?" he spoke as his buzzed was suddenly washed from his body as he wiped the last of your juices off his stomach.

"i am bozo, you just don't make me cum as hard as you did just now unless you have that liquor in your system." as the sass and sarcasm was heard in your voice as you sat up in the bed but was suddenly flipped on your stomach feeling a harsh blow to your right ass cheek.

namjoon rubbed the head of his dick in your slit before slipping into your cunt and grabbing you by your neck as your body was now pressed against his with his mouth to your ear with his index finger toying with your sensitive ball of nerves.

"oh yeah? well you're in for a long night so i can prove you wrong."


okay i'm back fr lol and i'm finishing the rest of the unwritten chapters especially hobi's and yoongi's birthday chapters.

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