| MAKANE LINE - when he's needy |

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jimin walked into your shared home and heard the shower running making it obvious that you were in the shower. you and your naked form ran through his mind all day imagining taking you now like he did last night.

he sneaked himself up the stairs into the bedroom as the water was still running, so he waited for you to get out.

you later turned off the water and opened up the door with a pink towel tied above your breasts, seeing jimin's form sitting on the bed with his face in his phone later shifting his attention to your wet body.

"hey baby" you beaned as you walked past him to the closet but you were yanked to stand between his legs.

the eye contact was insanely strong as you stared into his dark lustful eyes while his stared into your innocent ones as your eyes shifted down south to see the tent in his pants.

"jimin park i just got out the shower, i am not about to do this with you." you spoke, "go beat yourself off or get your fleshlight."

he cocked his eyebrow and brought his lips to your collarbone kissing up until he met the sweet spot on your neck bringing his right hand under your towel feeling against your folds.

"she tells me otherwise." he whispered in your ear feeling your arousal on his fingers then switching the position laying you down on the bed, opening your towel.


taehyung watched as your tits jumped in your bra while you were jump roping (working out).

his attention switched to your plump ass as you squatted with a weight bar holding 75lbs on-top of your shoulders.

"taehyung i know your watching me." you spoke without even having to turn around to look at him. you felt his presence from the start of your workout.

"i was not woman, continue working out." he said with his arms folded, feeling the painful tension between his dick and his zipper.

once you finished you last rep, you walked out of the gym room upstairs to go shower. taehyung watched as you ran up the stairs ass and titties jumping with every moment.

he heard the water come on and waited five minutes until going upstairs, stripping his clothes when he walked into the bedroom and opened the bathroom door.

slipping into the shower behind you, his hands roamed over your curves and pushed your body against the wall, pressing his hard on into your backside.

"kim taehyung, let me shower." you whined feeling him kiss up from your shoulder blade to the spot behind your ear.

"baby let's just have one round here, you'll still be able to shower after." he cooed into your ear moving his hand in-front of your stomach moving south rubbing his index from your bud to your folds.


he woke up from his nap. the cause of his sudden wake? he had a raging boner that needed to be relieved so he got up searching you knowing that you would be in the kitchen cooking.

"kookie babes you're up, do you want something to eat?" you said moving your phone from your ear as your mom was on the other end.

he shook his head and walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. one of his hands roamed upwards and squeeze one of your boobs through your bra.

you turned off the stove and flipped your position facing him with a cocked eyebrow. all he did was pout and point downwards to his crotch area where the tent followed to the left side of his leg as he mouthed "help me."

you nodded your head before speaking into your phone,"uh huh yes mom. mommy can i call you back? i have to call y/s/n back." [ur sister name]

you motioned jungkook to come closer to you placing you hand on his boner, rubbing it.

throwing his head back.

"okay bye mommy. i love you too." and with that your phone call ended.

jungkook grabbed your phone sitting it on the corner and slung you over his shoulder, slapping your behind as he brought you upstairs.


author note:

message for the makane line biased "armys":
sorry but some of y'all make me sick. how do you only read the makane stories but don't try and give the hyung ones a chance? that's very disappointing like love all 7 not just 2 or 3😐

message for the hyung line biased armys: i love you🥺 call me sometime🤙🏽😏

all my hyung line stories have more view than the makane ones tho😀

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