| HYUNG LINE - you being drunk |

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"jin do you want a glass?" you asked the little tipsy male that sat next to you on the couch. his face had a small tint of red from the wine you two were drinking.

"no one glass is enough," he spoke grabbing his water bottle off the table, " besides i have to watch you and that bottle of wine."

scoffing at his words, " you don't have to manage me and my bottle," you sassied, " hell im the one who bought the bottle."

now he was looking you in your eyes and watched as you smiled at him admiring his features.

"stop looking at me like jin, if you don't want another glass fine i planned on finishing the bottle and making sweet intoxicating love to you later on."

his whole demeanor changed at your words, he loved drunk sex but that wouldn't feel right to him.

"no, no drunk love sweet intoxicating sex, no y/n." he demanded to you as you poured another glass, "i'm not having that type of sex with you tonight."

"you say that now, wait until i finish this bottle and then watch me have that drunk sex with you tonight."


yoongi knew you were drunk because he heard you go into his liquor cabinet in his studio.

"y/n what did i tell you about going into MY personal liquor cabinet?" he spoke as he scared you before you took your twelfth shot of his whiskey.

taking the shot as you looked him into his eyes, "um last time i checked you said you didn't care if i drank anything in your cabinet," you spoke pouring more into the shot glass.

he looked at your figure as you slowly started to stumble when walking to small places in his studio.

"okay okay enough y/n," he managed to take the glass out of your hand, " you had enough and if you take anymore your going to do what you did last time and i don't want to pick up any glass tonight."

looking at him completely shocked as he was talking about something you told him to never bring up, "hey fucker, i told you to never bring that up!" you whined.

getting up after feeling lowkey embarrassed, you managed to walk out his studio as he followed behind you, "hey, where you going y/n? you don't want another drink?" he laughed

"no i don't especially if you're going to keep clowning me!"


"y/n come on, no more wine." he spoke taking the glass of red wine putting the cork into it and placing it back into the fridge.

looking at him shocked as hell, "hoseok give me back the bottle," as you moved him out the way and grabbed the bottle taking the cork out and pouring some in the glass but the flow stopped as he took the bottle out your hand.

"y/n no," he spoke, "you had more than enough glasses of wine, we have things to do in the morning and i don't need you hungover."

shrugging at his words and the things you had to do tomorrow but at this point you didn't care.

"y/n the things," he spoke softly as he carefully slipping the bottle of wine off the counter, " think about what exactly what we were supposed to do tomorrow."

it all hooked together.

"oh right right," you slurred, " can we even have that much sex in the span of 24 hours?"

hoseok turned back to you as the wine bottle was now back into the fridge and he started to walk you up the stairs.

"well i don't know maybe if you go to sleep now we can start in the morning."


"joonie" you called out to the sleeping male as you seen his body swift in the bed.

"joonn" you whined again a little louder as you walked your way to his side of the bed patting his shoulder.

"y/n do you know what time it is?" he asked as he lifted up but was soon shut up by you kissing his lips.

he knew exactly what to do with you when he tasted the alcohol on you lips. grabbing you as he put you over his shoulder, he brought you into the kitchen and sat you down in one of the chairs.

"drink this," he spoke as he grabbed the water bottle out the fridge.

shaking your head showing off your stubborn side, "no i want to stay like this!"

"y/n it's either you drink this water or you won't be getting dick nor head from me."

"fine asshole give me the water."

author note:

i'm only updating bc i'm like halfway done with all of my work and i have a break rn. so what are you guys doing for summer break?

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