| MAKNAE LINE - he wants to cuddle |

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you could tell that jimin was tired by the way he kissed you weakly. not really sure if it was him having to get up early and dance and sing his ass off or that you wore him out the night before.(hehe)

"jiminie if you want to go to bed, you are more free to go to sleep." you cooed as he put his head on your shoulder blade and instructing your hand to play with his hair.

he was always a big baby whenever he was exhausted which left you to stay wherever you are and craddle this grown man like he was a newborn.

"i'm staying right here... with you" he slurred as he started to sleep in your touch.


now when it comes to taehyung, you didn't have a choice to cuddle him. you were laying in bed when you heard tae's footsteps approach the bedroom door and opened it.

revealing him in sweatpants and a tank top, he walked towards his side of the bed and got under the covers.

"what's wrong tae tae?" you looked at him and he was already pulling you towards him.

you wanted to fight back but the way his arms took ahold of your waist you had to give into his sudden clingly behavior. feeling his face push into the crook of your neck, his snores were softly heard throughout the bedroom and you couldn't help it but boop his little nose making it scrunch up.

"you're really a big baby." you chuckled until you felt a small pain in your hip. that mf pinched you.


jungkook knew you were upstairs sleeping your night away while he was on the couch, missing you. he wanted to tell the guys that he was going to leave the party, but they were competing in a tournament.

"alright guys i'm done, my girl calling me." he lied into the mic and get out of the constant victory shouts and turned off his game.

he heard your little breathing from outside the bedroom door and opened it seeing that you were asleep on in the middle of the bed with your back facing him.

he stripped out of his hoodie and jogging pants, scooting into the bed on your side as all his movements halted when you started to move.

"jungkook? aren't you supposed to be downstairs? playing a tournament?" you questioned lazily. he shook his head and told you that they won and they were better off without him.

all the talking he was doing distracted you from him slipping closer to your body as he head was leveled with your c cups.

"just tired, can you cuddle me?" he softly spoke and he moved your arm on his back.

you let him do whatever he wanted because you were still tired and cuddled him like he wanted until his breathing matched yours.

author note:

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