| HYUNG LINE - when you're mad at him |

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"c'mon baby i was just playing" jin said as he followed you through the living room.

the argument was caused by jin. he embarrassed you  because you accidentally farted in the car as you were about to sneeze and jin told the boys.

"y/n really", he pouted as he followed you into your shared home trying to make you listen to him, "i said i was sorry"

you came to a halt at the front of the stairs and pointed a finger in his face as he was basically lying through his teeth, "no you didn't jin."

continuing your movements as you made your way closer and closer to your bedroom.

"come on sweetie it isn't that ser-," he was about to say until you cut him off, "kim seokjin if you finish that sentence you're not getting any for two months."

standing your ground as the male looked shocked at your sudden response.

"you wouldn't dare"

" oh i would and you're sleeping on the couch."

at this point you've made it inside your bedroom as jin was stood on the other side with puppy eyes making you shut the down in his face.

" i love you" he shouted from the other side

" go sleep on the couch!"

he stomped down the stairs, huffing and puffing like the baby he is since he sometimes always get his way.

"okay since you want to stomp down the stairs don't expect to get any for FOUR MONTHS!" you shouted.

" nooooo" he said with a pout


yoongi irradiated you last night because you wanted more than just having sex whenever yoongi felt like it.

yes he was busy working but that doesn't mean he has to treat you like a sex doll.

"okay so what do you want me to say?" yoongi exclaimed as he spun his chair around to talk you directly as your eyes met his.

"something dummy" being bold with your words letting them get to him since you always respected him and you being a brat wasn't something he wanted to deal with.

he looked at you as you had forgotten who you were talking too, "watch your tone y/n, and i would live to spend more time with you but work is more important than you wanting more attention."

when he said those words your mind went brusk as he was trying to say deal with it and stop complaining.

"wow," you lowly chuckled, "i got something for you then."

getting up and making you way out of his studio to go upstairs into your shared bedroom, you yelled back to the male who followed behind you: "right, since i'm not as important as your work go fuck it!"

you made it to your shared bedroom, closing and locking the door after yourself.

yoongi stood infront of the door in shock trying to figure out why you got mad all of a sudden, "what did i say?"

he knocked on the door and twisted the knob as he wanted to clear things up.

"baby come on i didn't mean it like that" reassuring you but you weren't going to let him do that.

" yes you did asshole besides i think your work is horny might want to go fuck them," yelling through the door hearing him sigh.

"please baby open up," he pouted while twisting the locked knob, " come on i'm sorry."

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