| OT7 - when a member walks in |

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you and jin were doing your business on the couch in the living room and by business i mean you were completely naked on top riding a half naked jin.

as you two were doing the deed, hoseok came uninvited into your home looking for some advice from jin until he walked in on you two.

"hey jin can i ask you-" his voice trailed as he seen you with your head flown back and jin's hands trailing the sides of your body.

"wow you guys are really into it," his voice sounded again and caught you completely off guard making jin grab the blanket from the side of him and cover up both of your naked bodies.

"why are you here hoseok?" jin questioned the amused male, "get out and go home now."

"jeez i just wanted some advice, but i see you're giving all of it to y/n."


yoongi was really doing a number on you has he hand you on the dining room table taking you in a missionary position.

"look at you baby," he growled roughly pinching and twisting your brown nips, " you look so pretty in this position."

namjoon heard every word yoongi said to you as he watched the way his hyung was alleviating your body but for some reason yoongi sensed someone was watching you two.

"are you going to keep watching or are you going to get out?" yoongi's voice sounded louder but he didn't stop focusing on you as he turned his head to exact spot namjoon was watching from.

"yeah yeah i'm leaving, i'm leaving."


hoseok dragged you into any room into the dorm as he couldn't wait any longer to indulge into your warmth.

"hob-" you tried to speak but was shut off with hoseok's lips on yours as he walked you towards the bed and let his hand trail up your dress. playing with you.

hoseok continued to please and kiss you without noticing that he was jungkook's room.

you heard the familiar male voice ring outside the room and as it got louder you came to a realization to your surroundings but the way his fingers dragged around your insides you said nothing.

the door opened and revealed a neutral faced but shooked younger man as he seen his brother on top of a girl who had her legs spread and lips preoccupied with his brother's.

"you guys can continue," jungkook said covering his eyes and walking over to closet knocking over a couple of objects, " i just needed another shirt."

he grabbed his shirt and locked the knob before walking and shutting the door behind him.

sad to say, you two didn't pay him any attention and kept doing what you were doing.


"namu," you beaned trying to stay as quiet as possible when namjoon had you in the laundry room sitting ontop of the washer with his face between your legs.

one thing you two forgot about was that you were letting jimin stay with you since he got into a heated argument with his girlfriend but jimin didn't forgot the sounds that he heard coming from downstairs leading him to the laundry room.

"finally they're home," he said going down the stairs but the sounds started to sound a lot more like moans. your moans.

jimin didn't want to believe what he was hearing so he walked closer to door, grabbing the knob and opened the door.

"holy shit," you screamed tapping namjoon as namjoon stopped what he was doing and pushed the door closed and put the laundry basket full of clothes in front of the door leaving jimin outside.

"you freaks!"


since you kicked jimin out, he came back to the house with taehyung to get some clothes to stay with taehyung since his last encounter with namjoon.

"why are you here?" you questioned the male as he walked straight pass you going to your shared bedroom.

"hello do you not hear me?" you said walking after the male leaving tae to welcome himself in and close the front door and sit on couch.

you were in the bedroom with jimin watching him grab clothes and stuffing them into a bag, "why'd you come back?"

jimin halted and looked at you dropping his bag and grabbed you into his embrace pressing his lips into your hungrily, you returned the same energy.

this heated wet embraced lead to the front side of your now naked body pressed against the bedroom walk being taken from behind by a naked jimin who had his hand wrapped around your neck.

taehyung heard everything and still proceeded to check on his buddy but when he knocked he didn't hear a respond and opened the door seeing his friend breaking the familiar woman's  back in.

"so i'm assuming you're staying here?"


you and tae were at yoongi's house because had to record a segment for the upcoming song but once yoongi was out of sight taehyung walked out of the room and made his way over to you on the couch.

taehyung caressed your body as you sat there taking in everything feeling his big hands roam under your skirt tugging at the waist band of your panties.

once they were off, tae went feral and started well tried to get inside of you but yoongi's voice went off in the studio:

"you think you're going fuck her in my studio yet fuck her on my couch, not only will i kill you but you will get another couch in your name as a gift after i kill you."


jungkook had you in the back seat of his car spread wide enough so he could fill every crevice of your core full.

not only did he forgot turn his car lights off but he was almost parked in front of jin's house because he invited everyone over for a celebratory dinner.

"jun-" you tried to muster up but feeling his tip brush your spot you thought otherwise.

"what's the matter?" he teased, "cat got your-" before he could finish his sentence, jin knocked on the car window showing a full face of disgust.

jungkook rolled down the window looking face to face with jin, "how may i help you?"

"how may you help me?! you're having sex in your car! in FRONT OF MY HOUSE!!"

author note:
1 more to go, then everything is ready in this book to be completed.

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