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i've been chasing after her since we were in middle school. i'm tired and i know she is too; making her trying to love me is hard.

"y/n please slow down!" i yelled as she halted and turned around to face me with a tear slipping down her eye.

i ran up to her as she ran away from me when i confessed my love for her for the tenth time in the last three months and she still runs.

why does she always run from me?

"jungkook, i've told you i'm attracted to someone else and no matter how much you try to make me love you, your time has already ran out." she softly spoke as her hand caressed my cheek.

the sudden sensation of a hot tear fell from my eye as she made contact with me. she leaned into my face and pressed her nose into mines almost kissing my lips.

"i- i'm sorry jungkook but i can't." she spoke and walked away from me.

something in me made me run after her but when i thought i had her in my arms she suddenly disappeared.


"what the f-," i spoke waking up and looked around the dark room as my skin stuck to the material of my clothes. night sweats.

getting up, i walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, " what the fuck is wrong with me?" i yelled out of anger.

ruffling my hair as i walked out and made my way into the living room, a picture of me and y/n stood on the shelf next to a candle and incense.

lighting it, i watched as her smile in the picture was the only thing i remember from that day we went to the lake.

the day we both were happy or at least seemed happy. y/n later went back to the same lake but left me a small note behind before she disappeared.

it read:

your time ran out jungkook.

author note:
running out of time, running out of time
running out of timee,
make you love me...

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