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vampire au!

the music blasted throughout the building. the smell of people dancing and sweating filled my nostrils.

why was i in the club anyway?

i was tracking down the one who got away, y/n. she has always been a wildcard, moving from place to place, sleeping with any woman or man to find someone who could satisfy her like i did.

pushing pass people, i seen the material of the black sequin dress she rarely wore unless she was going out and planned on getting laid.

"Y/N!" i yelled.

she looked back as she heard her name being yelled but she never looked in my direction, hearing someone call her name made her walk faster and find the person she was looking for.

i followed.

y/n was standing next to a woman of her physique as she whispered in the woman's ear, y/n lead her out of the building leaving no trace of her.

i ran outside and seen a car speed off, i ran after the car as it stopped in the nearest alley.

the two women got out of the car, y/n being able to fully function as the other woman was simply too intoxicated to realize what was happening.

i watched from afar as they made out and y/n went to kiss her neck and the drunk woman seemed to enjoy it.

should i save this woman?

y/n head went back as the light shined off her fangs and went forward sinking her teeth into the woman's neck as she hollered.

"y/n enough!" i yelled as i came closer to her and the woman, grabbing ahold of y/n as the already dead woman's body fell to the ground as i swung y/n body over my shoulder.

walking over to her car, i put her in the backseat and closed the door to make my way to the driver side and drove out of the alley heading to my place.

focusing on the road, y/n inaudible voice sounded as she tried to speak to me.

"why'd you come back jimin?" she asked as she coughed into her hand, " i thought you said you were done with me."

looking into the rear view mirror, i could see her facial features stand out, she was dying.

"i came back because you'll die without me," i cooed as she looked at me in the rear view mirror, " and i think- "

" i think im falling in love with you."

author note:
i dont know where im going,
but i know what im showing
feelings, thats what im pouring

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