| MAKANE LINE - you have no panties on |

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jimin was taking a nap since he overworked himself at practice and you had to drag him back home. all he needed was some good loving but you wanted to tease him a bit before you fully gave it to him.


"y/n come get jimin"

"what happened?"

"he's not acting right, he's been beating himself u-"

"say no more i'm about to come get him"

"i know what he needs, thanks namjoon see you later"

you made your way to the building, upstairs, to the practice room to see a beat up whiny jimin.

"come on jimin let's go"

"what are you doing here? i'm practicing"

"did i mention that you have a surprise waiting for you at home?"

"okay let's go"


now you were at home and you started to head upstairs until you felt that jimin was no longer behind you, so you made your way to him and gave him a hug which he sneakily placed his hands on your butt but when he continued rubbing he felt that something was missing, no underwear.

"you're such a fussy little baby"

"i really missed you but it seems like you missed me more." he smirked

"what are you talking about min min"

he flipped your shirt making you gasp,
"this is what i'm talking about" leaving you flustered so he took this as an opportunity to pull you over his shoulder and carry you upstairs to the bedroom.

he plopped you on the bed, ripped your shirt and started to suck on your neck, roaming his hands down your abdomen to your bud, rubbing it in continuous circles until you finally gave yourself up to him.

"sweety i think it's time for you to give me my surprise, don't you think?" making eye contact while you looked at his devilish smirk.

for you to think he was worn out, he most definitely tricked you and the members to get what he really wanted.... you naked under him.
yeah this was going to be a long night.


you and tae were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie.

everything was going well until he started to look for the remote to turn the volume up. knowing that you picked the movie, you had the remote so he roamed his hand on you side until he felt your thigh under the blanket.

he continued to search to find that the remote was logged between you legs next to your core. he took this moment to pull the remote but it didn't budge so he used both of hands which was not a so great idea.

he felt everything, the remote, your warmth, your core which sparked a idea into his head.

"is she really- ?" he stated while removing the blanket and laying you on your blanket as he was face to face licking a long strip against her.

he could tell you immediately took a liking into his actions as you began to twitch making him continue.

soft moans left your snoring mouth as he licked and sucked you bringing you closer to waking up.

"come on love you have to wake up" he licked a long good one,"i don't want to wait any longer" he licked again and with that you jerked awaked as you felt another

you looked down to see where the familiar sensation was coming from, seeing tae you didn't question it because you were enjoying it too much.

"oh you're up? good now come with me upstairs to finish what you started"

"what did i start?"

"you'll find out if you continue lingering around without panties"


y/nn💍:jeon jungguk

jeon😈: yes

y/nn💍: when are you coming home?

y/nn💍: i haven't seen you all day

jeon😈: awn does my baby miss me?

jeon😈: i'll be home late so don't wait up

y/nn💍:nevermind i'm going to sleep

you were laying in bed frustrated that he wouldn't be home on time to cuddle.

what else could you do? all you could do was sleep and that's exactly what you were going to do.

making your way under the heavy blanket you laid on your side and curled up, slowly drifting off to sleep.


jungkook came through the front door and make his way to you guys bedroom. he saw you shifting in your sleep fully uncovered by the blanket.

he thought he was dreaming when he seen both cheeks facing back to him until he did a double take.

" woah" he said as he made his way over to you, lifted up your shirt and landed a hard smack on your butt but to his eyes you didn't jolt away, only winced and rubbed your bottom and recovering it with your shirt.

"one more sure do the trick" and with that he landed one more hard slap making you abruptly jump up.

" what hell are you doing?" you whined while rubbing your bottom

"the first one was for the attitude in you message and the second one was for not wearing proper clothing, go put some panties on or else"

" okay okay i'll got get them"

"aht aht ahh you're forgetting something"

" ugh i'm sorry"

"good girl now go get those underwear" he said as he walked to the bedroom bathroom.

" why is he so rough?" you said wincing and simultaneously rubbing your sore cheeck.
author note:
this is shitty so this is most def edited.

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