| KNJ - after dark |

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since namjoon was out in the states for a tour, you haven't bothered to text him unless you were checking up on him. it was kinda sad that he always had to text you first leaving you to decide whether you wanted to text back or not. no you weren't mad at him, you just wanted him to enjoy the tour especially since you two weren't public.

as you were getting ready to take a long shower and do your daily routine until your phone buzzed:

namu💗: baby, what are you doing?

y/nnie🥺: i'm about to get in the shower joon
y/nnie🥺: did you want anything or want tell me anything?

namu💗: yeah... why have you been ignoring me sweetheart?

y/nnie🥺: i'm not ignoring you, i just want you to enjoy the tour that's all nothing else...how is the tour? when are you coming home?

namu💗: okay baby
namu💗:the tour is good and i'll be home in four weeks. i miss you a lot and i love you so much! see you when i get home baby
y/nnie🥺: kay kay i love you too

you started to feel bad but it wasn't nothing like a nice hot shower couldn't fix. as you were shaving, you thought you heard your front door open but the music playing was too loud to even make out the footsteps so you continued shaving and exfoliating.

namjoon crept through the door without your knowledge, he wanted to surprise you with him coming back earlier than expected. so he went into the bedroom and put the flowers on the bed as he changed into a pair of shorts simultaneously hiding in the closet until you got out.

you were done showering and walked out the bathroom with the hot steam following you.
as you made your way to the bedroom, you seen the flowers that weren't there before but you didn't pay any mind to them. walking towards the closet to get some night clothes, you were startled when you came face to face with joon.

"joon baby what are you doing here? you were supposed to be here until a month later." you spoke in shock.

"i lied. we finished the tour early so i came to see my babygirl and give her what she has been missing." he winked

you were stunned to hear that the tour ended early but you were glad that he was back home. you hugged him out of loneliness.

"oh how i missed you namu." you looked up and kissed him but this kiss was different. it showed all the times you were down and cried just because he wasn't there.

"can i show you how much i missed you babygirl?" his voice made you shiver at how deep his voice has gotten. you noticed his changes, the way his arms were more muscular, his shoulders were broader than last time, his stomach was more toned as you rubbed your hand across.

you missed him so much.

you nodded to his offer. he slowly lifted your chin up to kiss you more passionately and swiftly removed your towel as he walked you backwards towards your bed.

his kisses trailed from your lips, to your jaw, to your neck sucking light purple marks as his hands rubbed your hips and make their way to your brown nipples suddenly rubbing them as they stood up.

"joonie" you whined as he latched his mouth onto your right nipple and massaged the left.

at this point you both were hot and needy for each other but you sensed namjoon wanted to take it slow and steady. he unlatched his mouth from your nipple and kissed from your breast, to your stomach and further down to your core, where you needed him the most.

he was face to face with your core and seen how shiny it looked from your sudden arousal and the intoxicating scent of your oatmeal soap that made him want to devour you at that second.

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