| OT7 - you call them "nigga" |

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disclaimer: this was an idea i got from a goofy; i am black so the n word is in my vocabulary


"y/n scoot over you're hogging the blanket," jin's sleepy voice sounded throughout the room, "it's cold in here."

obviously you slightly heard him so you lifted up a little so he can pull the blanket from you.

jin fell back to sleep as he was once warm again but you being a blanket hogger you rolled over letting the blanket come off jin's sleeping form.

"y/n," he groaned tapping your shoulder making you stir in your sleep, "give me some of the blanket."

getting up removing the blanket off yourself you got up in the bed fluffed the blanket out wide throwing it up so when you laid back down it covered you him.

"thank you," he mumbled snuggling into your backside again but you shook him off

"nigga get back before i take this cover."


yoongi has been calling you all day but you didn't the phone because you had more important things to do, like sleeping.

hearing your phone ring for the umpteenth time, you decided to answer it already knowing who it was:

"hello?" yoongi's voice sounded through the other end of the phone, "y/n?"

"nigga what do you want?" you questioned trying to stay awake, "i'm to sleep."

yoongi didn't say anything back so you started to grow frustrated, "nigga hello? did you not hear what i said?"

"what?" he spoke again, "i didn't want anything go back to sleep." and he hung up the phone.

sad to say he doesn't really know how to respond back to you when you call him that.


"hoseok wake up!" you shouted shaking hoseok trying to wake him up, "nigga wake your ass up!"

you physically had to jump on his lap and grab him to shake him, "nigga i know you hear me!"

"i do," he said peeking out of his right eye looking at you, "can you get off of me? i got to pee."

getting off of him, you slapped his chest and walked out the door.

"this nigga gone be the death of me!"


"namjoon what the fuck," you yelled knowing he heard you, "you still doing this nasty shit?"

namjoon came out the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth with toothpaste staining the corner of his lip.

"what are you talking about?" he hummed and his whole demeanor changed when you showed him the balled up pair of crunchy panties.

he left the scene to go spit out the toothpaste as you followed behind him, "nigga you still doing this shit to my panties?"

"language," he said looking at you through the mirror, "go buy some more it's that simple."

he shrugged his shoulders as he poured mouthwash into his mouth.

"this nigga said it's that simple ," you talked to yourself in disbelief, " this nigga just said."

you walked out the bathroom and bedroom making namjoon spit the liquid out and follow you.

"language!" he yelled pointing at you.

"nigga shut up!"


"are you going to cook?" jimin asked out of no where catching you off guard.

"nigga what i look like to you?" you questioned him turning towards his form that sat across from you on the couch, "a chef?"

jimin stood there in silence, he knew not to say anything back. he knew he pushed his limit.

"that's right nigga," you said turning back to the tv talking to yourself about what he said to you, " this nigga just asked if i was going to cook."

"lost his damn mind."


"nigga let my boob go," you whined trying to get out of taehyung's hold, "you've been groping me all day."

"and what's the problem?" he asked now groping and squeezing both of your titties together.

"the problem is," you spoke pinching his hands sighing from the sudden lost of weight on your breast, "you're in here violating me."

before you could get up, tae put his hands back on your boobs massaging them once more.

"nigga please!"


"why are you eating my ice cream?" jungkook questioned you as you ate spoonfuls of his vanilla caramel swirl ice cream.

"nigga mind your business," you sasses back dragging the spoon into the tub, " i can eat this delectable treat, i'm the one who bought it."

jungkook walked to where you were and snatched the tub away from you before you could get another spoon.

"i don't care who bought it," he said putting the lid back on it and putting it back into the freezer, "this is my ice cream."

he walked away from the scene and went into your shared bedroom.

"nigga i bought it!"
author note:
this is the last chapter of this lovely book, thank you all<3

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