| PJM - so anixous |

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y/nnie🤤: you just don't know how many things i would do to you if we were alone.

jiminie❤️: is that so, sweetie?

jiminie❤️: how about you show me?😏

you looked at his response and you could tell he was for real since he was a sexaholic.

in reality you talked a big game but never owned up to the dirty things you said to jimin as the overwhelming anxious feeling grew every-time jimin was near, even though you two had sex all the time.

y/nnie🤤: mmm i have to work, jimin

you lied. you didn't want to seem available to him so playing hard to get was the best option.

jiminie❤️: that's okay baby, just swing by at 11:30.
jiminie❤️: okay?

leaving him on read as you started to contemplate on if you should really go or no, but you'll be skimping yourself out from a never ending orgasm spasm.

gathering all your belongings, leaving out the door to go to work.

switching into a a pair of jogging pants from your work bag, you made your way to your car and drove your way to jimin's.

the clock struck 11:20 and you were already outside of his house.

spending the 10 minutes wisely, whipping out the perfume that made his hormones rage you sprayed it all over your body, putting in a new strip of gum and fixing you butterfly locs where they were parted down the side.

once you looked scrumptious, you took took your phone out texting the horny man in the apartment upstairs.

y/nnnie🤤: i'm outside.

you received no reply so you got out of the car into his complex building and rang his doorbell. there he was, shirtless and free balling in a pair of shorts. how could you tell? his print has too visible so he was already hard before you got there.

"come on baby, you have to show me what you said in the messages." he teased and pulled you inside of the threshold.

your lips connected to his as they moved together. jimin squeezed your left ass cheek and a squeal left your mouth giving his tongue access to explore your mouth.

he pressed his hard on onto your body you  could feel the heat radiating off of it as jimin walked you backwards to his bedroom.

his hands rubbed all over your body unzipping your jacket revealing the naughty undergarments you had for him.

"black, huh?" he smirked.

the greedy hands traveled south to the string of your jogging pants untied them and pulled the pants off as it trailed from your copper thighs to the ankles of your feet.

"oh matching set, for me baby?" he teased again sliding himself back up to your face bringing his lips to yours.

you buckled your hips forwards as one of his hands slipped in the black lace teasing your clit with soft whimpers following behind.

he broke the kiss and slid downwards to your lower half grabbing the hem of the panty and pulled them off of you.

"so pretty." he praised and spread your legs apart to get a full view of your princess.

jimin licked one long strip against your core tasting all it's sweetness as a longed moan was triggered.

he continued to dart his tongue from your clit rather sucking on it and moving to lick in your folds.

you hands gripped his light grey locks pushing him further into your core until he gave you what you needed the most.

"don't stop jimin." you whined circling your hips into his mouth.

he happy obliged lapping his muscle on your clit as the dizziness of your orgasm began with the violent shaking of your body as it arched.

jimin watched as your body contracted against his tongue as your tasty fluids spilled out of you.

"you taste sweetheart." he spoke wiping the corner of his mouth.

he stood before you and undid his shorts letting them pool to his ankles letting his length kiss the tip of his stomach.

you felt yourself getting turned on again watching as he gave himself a few strokes before positioning himself at the entrance of your core.

"now y/n, what you said in the text was it all talk or you want to live up to it?" he spoke as his tip teased your entrance waiting for your response.

"oh just fuck me already." hearing the impatience in your voice.

"what was that baby? you want me to fuck you?" he teased as  his tip slipped inside of you as a moan and a groan emitted from the both of you from the sudden pleasure.

the man above you didn't give you time to adjust to his girth as he pounded into you at a fast yet steady speed.

little gasps left your lips as it hung open allowing jimin with kiss you, the kiss was rather sloppy as his thrusts were moving your bodies in a upward direction.

he broke the kiss to sit back and watch how his dick engulfed into your core, spreading your legs a little more to see how much further he could go.

"want me to go deeper?" his husky voice cooed in the air as you shook your head "yes".

he leaned down to your level, slowed his strokes plunging his length deeper hitting your sweet spot as jimin made eye contact with you.

one of his hands traveled to your bud rubbing it in continuous circles bringing you closer to cumming than you already were.

"so close, please keep going." you whispered in his ear as your hands clawed his back softly as you came undone under his touch.

jimin kept his strokes slow, bringing himself to a climax as the clenching of you coming down was hugging his dick giving it a pleasing feeling as you felt him throbbing inside of you.

you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist to pull him in deeper into your warmth as the throbbing of his length increased until his seed spilled in your womb, you moaning at the warmth of the goo.

jimin pulled out of you soon plopping right next to you.

"why are you always like this?" he beaned looking you into your eyes.

"you make me anxious. like so anxious." you spoke turning on your side.

"welp looks like i have to keep making you anxious then." he smirked behind you caressing your hips soon ass giving it a tight squeeze slipping his body next to yours.
ending is ass. i lied💀 but umm y'all want body wash recommendations?:p
this wasn't as good as i thought it would be but it's soooo long... okay vj out:)

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