| OT7 - valentine's day |

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he wanted to make it special for you so he when you woke up he gave you breakfast in bed which also included a couple of rounds before you had to go to work.

jin waited for you to come back to your now decorated home with 2 dozen of gifts waiting for you. you on the other hand got him something as well and you couldn't wait to give it to him.


"happy valentines day baby" you cooed in his ear as you gave him a tiny box, a bag and a teddy bear.

looking at you in confusion, he opened up the box to see a bracelet that had the day you two first started
dating and didn't even open up the bag.

"awn bae this is so sweet, but you know i had to go all out." he beaned with a sweet peck on your lips before moving out of the way to show all the gifts sitting in the living room.

"you're so getting 5 rounds out of me jin."


yoongi wanted to make it up to you since he pissed you off the day before.

while you were at work, he got you some of your favorite snacks, a bracelet, 3 new sets of lingerie, and different scents of perfume. 

he hoped this would make you forgive him and if it didn't, he had plans to let you dominate him for the rest of night until his body gave out.


walking into you shared home, the lights were dim with candle light on the table showing the dinner plates.

"i'm sorry baby, i shouldn't have caused a argument with you." he spoke softly holding your hand in his.
you were still mad but the soothing sight made your eyes awed at him as he had a slight pout on his face.

"here, i got you something." you beaned giving him a box.

he didn't expect anything in return, but he grabbed the box and seen that you got all of his favorite things along with his favorite sexual things.

"thanks but tonight you'll be taking control sweetcheeks."


hoseok stayed up all night preparing the best valentines day for you.

he got you half of all things you wanted throughout the year even though you did tell him don't spend any money on gifts for you as spending "alone time" with him was enough.

now all he had to do was wait for you to wake up.

"hoseok" you sternly spoke as you seen all of the gifts.

hobi looked to his left and seen your now awake form a little more tidied up. he got off the couch and made his way towards you interlocking his lips in yours then pulling away to speak.

" i know i know y/n but i still wanted to get you a little something so happy valentines day baby." he cooed as you body was pressed into his swaying together with his hands caressing your hips.

"by any chance is there any toys or anything sexual in there? because we're going to be up for a while."


namjoon wanted valentines day to be special since you didn't really celebrate it.

he took cooking classes for you, learned how to proper cut his vegetables as he prepared your favorite meal; steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus with a white wine to wash it down.

and after dinner he wanted to teach you to some good loving if you were in the mood.


"mm joonie this good, where'd you learn how to proper make a medium rare steak?" you cooed as you took another spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"i took cooking classes to make this night special." namjoon spoke as he watched his love drink her wine.

he stared you into your eyes as you looked into his eyes and seen how much he put into this night. you knew what he wanted by the way he looked at you.

"okay namjoon what position are we doing tonight? i hope it's lube."


while jimin was out getting your gifts without your knowledge, you were in the kitchen whipping up some valentines dinner for the both of you.

you knew that with this meal and a couple of drinks, jimin would be all on you before you could even give him the real surprise.


"wow sweetheart this is nice." jimin spoke as he took another bite of his baked chicken.

he looked at your wardrobe and see that you only had on your robe and slippers as his mind wondered about what you had underneath was arousing him.

"yes jimin?" you questioned as his eyes met yours.
you knew what he was thinking by the way his eyes darkened as they looked into yours making you take another swig of your drink.

"if you really want to know what's underneath, come take my robe off."


it was actually you waiting for taehyung to get home. he left you in your shared home three hours ago telling you to wait for him, but has he come back? no.

you didn't really get him anything for valentines day expect for two new pieces of lingerie you got for his excitement but by the looks of it, you weren't putting them on.


"y/n baby i'm back." taehyung's voice echoes through the silent house.

he had come back with your favorite gifts and take out from you favorite restaurant so he hoped you weren't asleep.

taehyung walked into your shared bedroom and seen you watching tv in the same clothes you were wearing when he left.

"happy valentines day baby, sorry i'm late i brought take out and gifts." he cooed as he snuggled himself into you simultaneously trying to hand you the gift bags.

you didn't say anything to him but paused your show and rampaged through the bags then going through the bag with the food and pulling out your and his food.

"since you were late, i guess you deserve this for bringing me food." you beaned as you stood up and took off your sweatpants and t shirt revealing the light grey lingerie set making his eyes bulge.

" oh it is so on y/n"


jungkook waited for you to come home from going to get your nails done.

he had the whole house and bedroom covered in red rose petals as he had multiple gifts on top of your bed along with two huge white teddy bears.

jungkook knew that when you seen everything you'll let him bang out your body until you gave out.


"kookie? what's all this?" you spoke as your hands covered your mouth seeing how decorated for you.
he didn't speak as he held out his hands for a hug and kissed your plump brown lips when you were in his arms.

"it's just a little something for you since you've been such a great girlfriend." he beaned as his hands squeezed both of your ass cheeks making you squeal.

"jungkook you just got two rounds out of me before i left." you whimpered

he kissed your lips again pressing his front against yours as his hands stayed clad against your ass.

"okay okay i guess it won't hurt to have a few more."

sorry had to get that out kinda intoxicated...

[8:02 pm] anyways y'all want playlists? on like spotify or apple music? alrighty i have to write 13 more chapters i'll be back.
vj out<3

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