| HYUNG LINE - him oversimulating you |

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seokjin watched as your body contracted on-top of his as you rode him. he wanted to see how many times you could cum before tapping out.

"come on jin, enough" you whimpered as your laid your head in his shoulder but he kept thrusting up into you.

"come on baby just two more and i'll leave you alone." he pleaded as he thrusted a couple more times and you were cumming under his touch.

"ah i'm cumming, don't stop!"


yoongi loved when you let him overstimulate you. he pressed the vibrator on you swollen bud setting it on the highest setting watching as your chest caved in and out.

"you fucking asshole why the highest setting?!" you semi yelled at the man to your side.

"baby you already know the highest setting makes you cum faster and leaves your legs shaking afterwards." he clicked as he rolled the toy in a circle on your clit.

you wanted to argue back but your orgasm was quickly approaching feeling the heat wave increasing all over your body, your sixth orgasm.

"oh fuck!"


hoseok couldn't believe that you let him fuck you all night especially when you let him overstimulate you with a small bullet on your clit.

"right there hoseok!" you screamed as you felt him hit your sweet spot and the vibrations from the sliver bullet was just intensifying the pleasure.

"there?" he teased as he hit the same spot making you spas out.

he flicked the bullet on you swollen bud in a left to right motion while repeating hitting that spot making your body jolt from feeling the needed release.

"thats was your eighth one baby, want to go again?"


namjoon watched as your form jerked under his while he was giving you long, deep strokes.

"untie my hands, i want to touch you." you whined as your head flung back as your climax was going to take over your body.

"no can do baby, i'll untie them when you reach your tenth orgasm." he beaned bringing his lips to yours as he brought up the pace of his thrusts abusing your pleasure point.

"oh god i'm cumming!" you moaned before your orgasm took over you as your figure contracted on his length.

"come on baby, just two more and i'll untie you."

i need to get all 20 of these chapters done before hobi's birthday😭 and i'm so behind plus i'm failing about four of my classes. so i'll update all this week to try and get the number of unwritten chapters done.
vj out✌🏽

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