| MYG - sofest place on earth |

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teenager/ young adult au!

"y/n come on," yoongi said as you hand your arms wrapped around his body looking at him since he was six inches taller than you.

you were trying to bring his soft side since he didn't pay you any attention at the movie theater as he was acting tough in front of his friends.

now you had him in a more secluded area in your home trying to bring his soft side out, "where's my sweet soft boy at hm?"

"he's not here right now." he responded looking ahead of him as his hands stayed plastered your ass.

using your finger bringing up to his face trying to bring his attention down to you but he flinched, "why'd you flinch?"

he didn't answer you again as he looked into your eyes as his soften up and your natural instinct was to lock your lips into his gently letting your lips pull apart from each other then letting your tongues conjoin together.

taking off your jacket with breaking off the kiss, yoongi started to take his clothes off along with yours while enjoying this lip lock action.

once the clothing was off, he slowly pushed on to your bed admiring your face and body as he trailed his finger from your shoulder down to your hip and back up.

"i thought you said my big baby wasn't here?" you teased making him scrunch his face up.

"shut up." he cooed back and slowly leaned in kissing your lips again.

using one of his free hands to move your leg out more on his side to give him more room, he grabbed one of golden packets out of your nightstand, ripping the packet open taking the rubber out and slipping it onto his length.

"are you? because he isn't always this gentle," you teased again but the feeling of his girth pushed pass your folds shut you up.

"i don't want to hear anything out of you but moan, got it?" he demanded as he started off with slowed strokes enjoying the already clenching of your cunt.

due to your sensitivity, he knew what and what not to do to get you off. he was your first and you were his.

yoongi's growls sounded throughout the room as the sensation from your nails digging into his back was causing pain but the squeeze of your warmth gave him the mix of pain and pleasure.

"please," your pleases made yoongi speed up letting the friction from your velvety walls and his length gradually made your orgasm approach faster than it was, "please yoon."

watching your mouth gape open and close letting all of your sweet sounds freed he shut you with a wet kiss that allowed him to take evert moan in as he sped even faster than he was.

feeling him twitch within you, the thought of you two finishing together flown into you mind as you started to tighten around him uncontrollably.

"look at me baby." he said to you in a sweet manner pressing his forehead against yours as the warm breaths from both of your mouths hit against each other and was met with another sloppy kiss then disconnecting.

"i love you so fucking much," he repeated over and over as he connected his thumb to your sensitive bud rubbing it in circles making your breathe hitch and your toes curls with the flicker of your eyes until you shook violently underneath him, "there you go love keep it up."

he sweet talked you as his high rapidly approached giving you the last strokes until his came into your warmth, kissing you and still slowly giving you small yet deep strokes until everything he had was pumped into the rubber.

"so my soft boy was here all along," you beaned, " he was with you all along in the softest place on earth...

author note:
2 done, 7 to go.

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